Ayollar uchun tor kesimli qisqa qo'lqonli futbolka - engil, cho'ziluvchan, yarim shaffof Y2K uslubidagi yuqori kiyim, bahor/yaz/kuz uchun, yumshoq bo'yinli.
This Women's Slim Fit Short Sleeve T-Shirt is a lightweight and stretchy top designed in a Y2K style. Perfect for spring, summer, and fall, this crew neck shirt is semi-sheer and ideal for all occasions.
Ayollar uchun tor kesimli qisqa qo'lqonli futbolka - engil, cho'ziluvchan, yarim shaffof Y2K uslubidagi yuqori kiyim, bahor/yaz/kuz uchun, yumshoq bo'yinli.