Upgrade your Samsung robot vacuum with our top-of-the-line replacement filters - featuring a high-efficiency sponge and dust micro particle air filter kit. Designed to be compatible with the DJ97-00492A SC65 Series, these premium filters will ensure your
Texnik xususiyatlar:
Tur: Changyutgich Filtri
Material: PP, Filtr qog'ozi, G'ovak
Rang: Ko'k, Qora
O'lcham 1: 16 sm x 10.7 sm (Taxminan)
O'lcham 2: 13.4sm x 10.7sm x 3.2 sm (Taxminan)
1. Yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan.
2. DJ97-00492A SC65/66/67/68 seriyali changyutgich uchun almashtirish filtrlar
3. Filtrlar Robotning tozalash samaradorligini saqlab qoladi va havoingizga kiradigan chang, polen va boshqa allergenlarning kirishini kamaytiradi.
4. Changyutgichingizning optimal ishlashi uchun, filtrni har 1-3 oyda bir marta almashtirishingiz tavsiya etiladi.|.
Model bilan mos:
Upgrade your Samsung robot vacuum with our top-of-the-line replacement filters - featuring a high-efficiency sponge and dust micro particle air filter kit. Designed to be compatible with the DJ97-00492A SC65 Series, these premium filters will ensure your