Two pieces of Blue Merry Christmas throw pillow covers, measuring 45.72x45.72 cm each. Made of soft polyester fabric, these square cushion cases are suitable for the living room, bedroom, or car. Pillow cores are not included, and the covers are machine
Mahsulot tafsilotlari: Chop etilgan dizaynga ega qisqa plushdan yasalgan dekorativ yostiq qoplamalari. Har bir qoplama 45x45 sm (18x18 dyuym) o'lchamda va taxminan 100 g (7 oz) og'irlikda. Pastki qismida ko'rinmas fermuar yopilishi mavjud. Naqsh faqat old tomonida. Paketda 2 ta yostiq qoplamasi mavjud. Parvarish ko'rsatmalari: Yuvishda blek yoki issiq suvdan foydalanishdan saqlaning va qattiq ishqalanmang. Iltimos, mahsulotning rangi yorug'lik va ekran sozlamalaridagi farqlarga ko'ra biroz farq qilishi mumkinligini unutmang.
Iltimos, qo'lda o'lchovlar farq qilishi natijasida o'lchovlarda kichik farqlarni hisobga oling.
Two pieces of Blue Merry Christmas throw pillow covers, measuring 45.72x45.72 cm each. Made of soft polyester fabric, these square cushion cases are suitable for the living room, bedroom, or car. Pillow cores are not included, and the covers are machine