Two-piece set of festive Merry Christmas throw pillow covers. These covers are made from soft and comfortable material, making them perfect for enhancing the decor of your living room, bedroom, or car. Each cover is square-shaped and measures 45.72x45.72
Texnik xususiyatlar
Mahsulot nomi: Yostiq qopqog'i/Yostiq holatlari
Material: Qisqa plush
Uslub: Bosma
O'lcham: 45x45 sm / 18x18 dyuym
Og'irligi: Taxminan 100g/7oz
Yostiq qopchasining pastki qismida ko'rinmas zipper
Naycha faqat old tomonida.
Paketga kiradi: 2 dona yostiq qopqog'i (yostiq qoplari)
Tozalash usullari: Biz oqartiruvchi vositalardan foydalanmaslikni, iliq suvda yuvishni va qattiq cho'tka bilan ishqalamaslikni tavsiya qilamiz.
Yorug'lik va ekran sozlamalaridagi farq tufayli, mahsulotning rangi rasmlardan biroz farq qilishi mumkin.
Iltimos, turli qo'lda o'lchovlar tufayli ozgina o'lcham farqiga ruxsat bering.
Two-piece set of festive Merry Christmas throw pillow covers. These covers are made from soft and comfortable material, making them perfect for enhancing the decor of your living room, bedroom, or car. Each cover is square-shaped and measures 45.72x45.72