Shaffof silikon masofadan boshqarish qopqog'i TV va AC masofadan boshqaruvchilari uchun elastik, suv o'tkazmaydigan himoya ta'minlaydi, mustahkam va egiluvchan dizaynga ega.
Contain Electronic Components/Motherboard: Does not contain electronic components or motherboard
Power Mode: Uncharged
Item ID: 64360771
Origin: Zhejiang,China
Protect your TV and AC remotes with this durable and flexible 1pc Transparent Silicone Remote Control Cover. It features an elastic and waterproof protective case for added convenience and protection.
Shaffof silikon masofadan boshqarish qopqog'i TV va AC masofadan boshqaruvchilari uchun elastik, suv o'tkazmaydigan himoya ta'minlaydi, mustahkam va egiluvchan dizaynga ega.