This set includes 1 Christmas kitchen towel that measures 45.72 X 66.04 cm. It is safe for skin and perfect for family dinners, gatherings with friends, and couples. The towel is reusable and features a festive gingerbread man design.
Qo'l sochiqlari oshxonada, hammomda, kichik xonada, stol ustida yoki siz xohlagan har qanday joyda foydali. Ushbu sochiqlar mustahkam va turli ranglarda mavjud bo'lib, uy bezatish uchun arzon tanlovni taqdim etadi.
This set includes 1 Christmas kitchen towel that measures 45.72 X 66.04 cm. It is safe for skin and perfect for family dinners, gatherings with friends, and couples. The towel is reusable and features a festive gingerbread man design.