This Christmas snowman pillow cover is festive and contemporary, measuring 44.96cm x 44.96cm. It has a zip closure and should be hand washed. Suitable for decorating sofas, living rooms, and bedrooms, but does not come with a pillow insert.
Ushbu bayramona Rojdestvo qor odamining yostiq qopqog'i 44.96 sm x 44.96 sm o'lchamda bo'lib, zamonaviy uslubga ega. Faqat qo'l bilan yuvish tavsiya etiladi va oson olib tashlash uchun zip yopilishi mavjud. Ushbu ko'p funksiyali yostiq qopqog'i divanda, yashash xonasida yoki yotoqxona uchun zamonaviy uy bezak sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin. Iltimos, yostiq qo'shimchasi kiritilmaganligini unutmang.
This Christmas snowman pillow cover is festive and contemporary, measuring 44.96cm x 44.96cm. It has a zip closure and should be hand washed. Suitable for decorating sofas, living rooms, and bedrooms, but does not come with a pillow insert.