Ayollar uchun zamonaviy yashil ikki qismli to'plam, ta'til uchun mukammal. Qisqa top bomber ko'ylak va cho'zilgan oyoq shimlar bilan birga, cho'ntaklar bilan. Cho'ziluvchan polyester va elastan aralashmasidan tayyorlangan.
This stylish two-piece set for women features a chic green color and is perfect for casual vacation style. It includes a crop top bomber jacket and straight-leg pants, both made from a stretchy polyester and elastane blend. The set also comes with convenient pockets and is machine washable for easy care.
Ayollar uchun zamonaviy yashil ikki qismli to'plam, ta'til uchun mukammal. Qisqa top bomber ko'ylak va cho'zilgan oyoq shimlar bilan birga, cho'ntaklar bilan. Cho'ziluvchan polyester va elastan aralashmasidan tayyorlangan.