Set of 3 soft coral fleece fingertip towels with contemporary design and various patterns. Made of super absorbent polyester material, they feature a hanging loop and are ideal for bathroom use, dishwashing, or hand wiping, with a space theme.
3 dona zamonaviy uslubni aks ettiruvchi ultra-yumshoq koral fleytsli barmoq sochiqlarini qo'lga oling. Ushbu to'rtburchak sochiqlar turli naqshlarda mavjud bo'lib, polyester materiali tufayli juda yaxshi namni so'raydi. Har bir sochiq oson saqlash uchun qulay osish halqasi bilan jihozlangan. Hammomda foydalanish, idish yuvish yoki qo'l artish uchun mukammal, ushbu sochiqlar fazo mavzusidagi dizaynga ega.
Set of 3 soft coral fleece fingertip towels with contemporary design and various patterns. Made of super absorbent polyester material, they feature a hanging loop and are ideal for bathroom use, dishwashing, or hand wiping, with a space theme.