O'z-o'zini siqadigan tana o'lchov lentasi, uyda foydalanish uchun, bel, fitnes aylana, son, qo'l, bosh aylanasini o'lchaydi. PVC pichoq va qulf bilan oq.
This white body measuring tape is designed for various home use applications, including measuring waist, fitness circumference, hip, arm, and head circumference. It features a self-tightening mechanism, PVC blade, and lever lock for accurate and convenient measurements.
O'z-o'zini siqadigan tana o'lchov lentasi, uyda foydalanish uchun, bel, fitnes aylana, son, qo'l, bosh aylanasini o'lchaydi. PVC pichoq va qulf bilan oq.