Newborn wrap blanket made of cotton fleece measuring 80x80, suitable for babies aged 0-12 months. This absorbent and warm blanket is designed for all 4 seasons and can also be used as a children's bath towel. DDJ brand.
Tegishli yosh guruhi: 0-3 yosh (kiritilgan), 3 yosh (kiritilmagan) - 6 yosh (kiritilgan), 6 yosh (kiritilmagan) - 8 yosh (kiritilgan)
Xususiyat: Yengil
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Faqat qo'l bilan yuvish
Item ID: 96785107
- Jins: Uniseks
- Material: Polyester / Paxta
- Yosh oralig'i: 0-6 oy
- Yosh oralig'i: 7-12 oy
- Yosh oralig'i: Homiladorlik
- Yosh guruhi: Bolalar
- Shablon turi: Hayvon
- Mavsum: To'rt mavsum
Newborn wrap blanket made of cotton fleece measuring 80x80, suitable for babies aged 0-12 months. This absorbent and warm blanket is designed for all 4 seasons and can also be used as a children's bath towel. DDJ brand.