Get your hands on the 1pc SUPERDANT Non-Stick Plastic Ironing Aid - a reusable iron shoe protector that is heat-resistant and requires no power. This accessory is perfect for delicate fabrics and makes an ideal gift for Christmas and Thanksgiving.
O'lchovlar: 235x156x0.5x0.5~24mm/9.25x6.14x0.02x0.02~0.94dyuym
Material: Plastik
Rang: Oq
Qadoqlash: Har bir qadoqda bitta dona
Tafsilotlar: Bug'li dazmol asosini himoya qiluvchi plastik qopqoq, dazmol ulanishi bilan birga, oq rangda.
O'lchovlar: taxminan 156mm/6.14 dyuym keng, 235mm/9.25 dyuym uzun, 0.5~24mm/0.02~0.94 dyuym qalin.
Narx bitta dona uchun
Get your hands on the 1pc SUPERDANT Non-Stick Plastic Ironing Aid - a reusable iron shoe protector that is heat-resistant and requires no power. This accessory is perfect for delicate fabrics and makes an ideal gift for Christmas and Thanksgiving.