Get the ultimate cleaning experience with this set of 6 butterfly-shaped household wet dry dual-use mops! Each mop features 360° rotation and comes with 5 ultra-fine fiber pads, making it perfect for cleaning bathtubs, tiles, floors, walls, and glass.
Qo'llaniladigan sahna: Yashash xonasi, Yotoqxona, Hammom, Devor, Pol
Material: Metall, Plastik
Item ID: 16083008
Salom! Do'konimizga xush kelibsiz!
Aziz do'stim, agar sizda biron savol bo'lsa, biz bilan bog'lanishdan tortinmang. Iltimos, bizga salbiy baho bermang, chunki bu biz uchun muhim.
Get the ultimate cleaning experience with this set of 6 butterfly-shaped household wet dry dual-use mops! Each mop features 360° rotation and comes with 5 ultra-fine fiber pads, making it perfect for cleaning bathtubs, tiles, floors, walls, and glass.