Get a pair of elegant Golden Bee cufflinks and shirt buttons set for a fashionable and seamless look. Made of shiny copper, these clip-on buttons are perfect for formal tailcoat attire and add a touch of luxurious decoration to your clothing. This fancy
2 dona/to'plam Metall Arı Kufflinklari Ko'ylak Tugmachalari Qopqog'i Moda Porloq Yeng Tugmachasi Tikishsiz Tugmalar Mis Tugma Klipi Bluzka Kiyimiga Mos Kelayotgan Dekorativ Tugmalar Muxlislarga Kufflink Qoplamalari Nafis Tugma To'y Tug'ilgan Kun Ta'til mavsumi To'y Hediye
Kiyimni kiyish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar: 1. Tanlangan kiyimni kiying va bog'lang. 2. Tugma qopqog'ining orqa qismini oching. 3. Klipni tugma ostiga joylashtiring. 4. Tugma qopqog'ini mustahkam yopib qo'ying. 5. Eslatma: Tugmaning diametri 1.7 sm/0.67 dyuym va diametri 1.4 sm/0.55 dyuymgacha bo'lgan tugmalar uchun mos keladi.
Get a pair of elegant Golden Bee cufflinks and shirt buttons set for a fashionable and seamless look. Made of shiny copper, these clip-on buttons are perfect for formal tailcoat attire and add a touch of luxurious decoration to your clothing. This fancy