Add some festive cheer to your kitchen with this 2-pack of Merry Christmas kitchen towels. Made from soft polyester, these contemporary rectangular dish towels feature a fantasy theme and measure 45.72x66.04cm. They are woven and machine washable, making
Qo'l sochiqlari oshxonada, hammomda, to'ldiruvchi xonada, stol ustida yoki siz xohlagan har qanday joyda foydali. Ushbu sochiqlar mustahkam va turli ranglarda mavjud bo'lib, uy bezatish uchun arzon tanlovni taqdim etadi.
Add some festive cheer to your kitchen with this 2-pack of Merry Christmas kitchen towels. Made from soft polyester, these contemporary rectangular dish towels feature a fantasy theme and measure 45.72x66.04cm. They are woven and machine washable, making