A modern, hard-wearing striped cotton towel perfect for gym, beach, travel or outdoor use, made of 100% cotton with quick-dry, ultra-soft and absorbent features. It is fade resistant and made of knit fabric, weighing 4gsm and in an oblong shape.
Zamonaviy chiziqli paxta sochiqni taqdim etamiz, 100% paxtadan tayyorlangan, hashamatli his qilish uchun. Ushbu tez quriydigan sochiq juda yumshoq va yuqori so‘rish qobiliyatiga ega, plyaj sayohatlari va sport zalidagi mashg‘ulotlar uchun mukammal. Uning rang o‘chmaydigan to‘qima materiali uzoq muddatli sifatni ta'minlaydi. To‘g‘ri to‘rtburchak shakli va 4gsm qalinligi bilan ushbu sochiq sayohat va ochiq havoda foydalanish uchun mos keladi.
A modern, hard-wearing striped cotton towel perfect for gym, beach, travel or outdoor use, made of 100% cotton with quick-dry, ultra-soft and absorbent features. It is fade resistant and made of knit fabric, weighing 4gsm and in an oblong shape.