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10-piece Tungsten Carbide Burr Set for Dremel Rotary Tools, Double Cut Alloy Steel Grinding Heads for Wood, Metal, Stone, and Gemstone. Handheld and welding use, assembly required. Great

10-piece Tungsten Carbide Burr Set for Dremel Rotary Tools, Double Cut Alloy Steel Grinding Heads for Wood, Metal, Stone, and Gemstone. Handheld and welding use, assembly required. Great

Doimiy narx 73 653 UZS
Doimiy narx 344 910 UZS Sotuv narxi 73 653 UZS


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To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Material: Qotishma, Karbid
Grit Material Type: Po'lat
Rang: Kumushiy Kulrang
Mos keluvchi qurilma: Elektr burg'ulash, Die grinder
Yuzani tavsiya etish: Metall, Tosh, Yog'och
Bosh uslubi: Dumaloq, Tekis, Oval
Yig'ilishi kerak: Ha
Maqola ID: 49601642
Ushbu to'plam 10 dona Tungsten Carbide Burr ni o'z ichiga oladi, ikkilamchi kesish qotishma po'latdan yasalgan maydalash boshliqlari bilan. To'plam Dremel Rotary Tools bilan mos keladi va yog'och, metall, tosh va qimmatbaho toshlarda ishlatilishi mumkin. Qo'l bilan ishlatish va payvandlash uchun mukammal, yig'ish talab etiladi. Ushbu maydalash bitlari po'lat materiallar uchun ideal.

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