5 ta uzluksiz umumiy bosma ayollar uchun ichki kiyim, qulay va nafas oladigan ichki kiyim.
69 334 som
214 483 som
Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
206 371 som
657 166 som
1 juft/5 juft ayollar uchun moda dantelli qisqa paypoqlar, yarim-shaffof va engil
10 016 som–68 208 som
Ayollar uchun qattiq ribbed lounge to'plami, qisqa yengli ko'ylak va shimlar, keng va qulay fit.
136 163 som–142 701 som
2 Ta Seamless Gul Tarmoq Tank Brasi ayollar uchun, Nafis va Qulay, Simsiz dizayn bilan.
83 738 som–84 379 som
Ayollar uchun yurak tikuvli tasodifiy pijama to'plami, qisqa yengli yuqori va shimlar
99 991 som–137 235 som
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
52 612 som–55 475 som
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
50 215 som–62 035 som
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
5 ta uzluksiz umumiy bosma ayollar uchun ichki kiyim, qulay va nafas oladigan ichki kiyim.
69 334 som
214 483 som
Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
206 371 som
657 166 som
1 juft/5 juft ayollar uchun moda dantelli qisqa paypoqlar, yarim-shaffof va engil
10 016 som–68 208 som
Ayollar uchun qattiq ribbed lounge to'plami, qisqa yengli ko'ylak va shimlar, keng va qulay fit.
136 163 som–142 701 som
2 Ta Seamless Gul Tarmoq Tank Brasi ayollar uchun, Nafis va Qulay, Simsiz dizayn bilan.
83 738 som–84 379 som
Ayollar uchun yurak tikuvli tasodifiy pijama to'plami, qisqa yengli yuqori va shimlar
99 991 som–137 235 som
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
52 612 som–55 475 som
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
50 215 som–62 035 som
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
- Uy
- Women's Lingerie & Lounge
- Ayollar uchun yumshoq va qulay boyshort ichki kiyimlari, ichki kiyim va lingere uchun mukammal.
Tarkibi: 90% Poliamid, 10% Elastan
Material: Poliamid
Qo'llab-quvvatlash: O'rta qo'llab-quvvatlash
Tafsilotlar: Yo'q
Uslub: Oddiy
Shakl: Bir rang
Shiddat: Yo'q
Ichki kiyim beli: O'rta balandlik
Tur: Shortlar
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Mahsulotlar soni: 1 dona
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Item ID: 95949313
Ushbu boyshort ichki kiyimlari silliq va qulay moslashuvchanlikni ta'minlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Yumshoq va cho'ziluvchan matodan tayyorlangan, ular ayollar uchun ichki kiyim yoki har kuni kiyish uchun mukammaldir.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Michelle Steiner I love them 🫶🏻
They are so comfy and they are not seethrough, definitely worth the price. They are rly short so they are more like underwear than normal pants. But they fit perfectly, just like on the picture.
Emmanuella Irbinger I m updating my review I m normally size s in other brands but with this I got M and its fits well at the beginning but its way too big for me. I do like the sharpe and it’s soft and comfy.
Günter Halle I'm wondering why men's shorts always have to have a bulge? Since I'm very active with my bike, I tried and "stole" one of the shorts from my girlfriend, somehow perfect for longer bike tours and also super comfortable to wear in terms of fabrics. Nothing pinches here, I don't pinch anything. just perfect ☺️ I'll buy some again
Michelle Steiner I love them 🫶🏻
They are so comfy and they are not seethrough, definitely worth the price. They are rly short so they are more like underwear than normal pants. But they fit perfectly, just like on the picture.
Emmanuella Irbinger I m updating my review I m normally size s in other brands but with this I got M and its fits well at the beginning but its way too big for me. I do like the sharpe and it’s soft and comfy.
Günter Halle I'm wondering why men's shorts always have to have a bulge? Since I'm very active with my bike, I tried and "stole" one of the shorts from my girlfriend, somehow perfect for longer bike tours and also super comfortable to wear in terms of fabrics. Nothing pinches here, I don't pinch anything. just perfect ☺️ I'll buy some again
Michelle Steiner I love them 🫶🏻
They are so comfy and they are not seethrough, definitely worth the price. They are rly short so they are more like underwear than normal pants. But they fit perfectly, just like on the picture.
Emmanuella Irbinger I m updating my review I m normally size s in other brands but with this I got M and its fits well at the beginning but its way too big for me. I do like the sharpe and it’s soft and comfy.
Günter Halle I'm wondering why men's shorts always have to have a bulge? Since I'm very active with my bike, I tried and "stole" one of the shorts from my girlfriend, somehow perfect for longer bike tours and also super comfortable to wear in terms of fabrics. Nothing pinches here, I don't pinch anything. just perfect ☺️ I'll buy some again
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