5 ta uzluksiz umumiy bosma ayollar uchun ichki kiyim, qulay va nafas oladigan ichki kiyim.
69 334 som
214 483 som
Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
206 371 som
657 166 som
1 juft/5 juft ayollar uchun moda dantelli qisqa paypoqlar, yarim-shaffof va engil
10 016 som–68 208 som
Ayollar uchun qattiq ribbed lounge to'plami, qisqa yengli ko'ylak va shimlar, keng va qulay fit.
136 163 som–142 701 som
2 Ta Seamless Gul Tarmoq Tank Brasi ayollar uchun, Nafis va Qulay, Simsiz dizayn bilan.
83 738 som–84 379 som
Ayollar uchun yurak tikuvli tasodifiy pijama to'plami, qisqa yengli yuqori va shimlar
99 991 som–137 235 som
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
52 612 som–55 475 som
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
50 215 som–62 035 som
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
5 ta uzluksiz umumiy bosma ayollar uchun ichki kiyim, qulay va nafas oladigan ichki kiyim.
69 334 som
214 483 som
Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
206 371 som
657 166 som
1 juft/5 juft ayollar uchun moda dantelli qisqa paypoqlar, yarim-shaffof va engil
10 016 som–68 208 som
Ayollar uchun qattiq ribbed lounge to'plami, qisqa yengli ko'ylak va shimlar, keng va qulay fit.
136 163 som–142 701 som
2 Ta Seamless Gul Tarmoq Tank Brasi ayollar uchun, Nafis va Qulay, Simsiz dizayn bilan.
83 738 som–84 379 som
Ayollar uchun yurak tikuvli tasodifiy pijama to'plami, qisqa yengli yuqori va shimlar
99 991 som–137 235 som
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
52 612 som–55 475 som
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
50 215 som–62 035 som
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
- Uy
- Ayollar uchun ichki kiyim va dam olish
- 4 juft ayollar uchun sexy va nafas oladigan dantel to'qsiz ichki kiyim, ichki kiyim va ichki kiyim sifatida mukammal.
Tarkibi: 80% Naylon, 20% Spandeks
Material: Nilon
Tafsilotlar: Qarama-qarshi Dantelli
Shablon: Bir rang
Sheer: Yarim-shaffof
Ichki kiyim beli: O'rta balandlik
Tur: Ichki kiyim
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Uslub: Jozibador
Mahsulotlar soni: 4 dona
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Item ID: 12342104
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
4 ta Kontrast Dantelli Seamless Briefs to'plami bilan eng yuqori qulaylik va uslubni his eting. Havo o'tkazuvchi materiallardan tayyorlangan bu jozibali ichki kiyimlar, qo'llab-quvvatlash va jozibadorlikning mukammal kombinatsiyasini taqdim etadi. Ushbu ayollar ichki kiyimlari bilan ichki kiyimlaringiz to'plamiga bir oz hashamat qo'shing.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
bl***41 Lovely knickers, beautiful material, sexy
da***db 🇬🇧
I am a size 16 and these panties are ideal although they are described XL on the waistband.
This is my second purchase of this style of panty and whilst these are all black in colour my first order was of a mixed colour variety.
I am very pleased with them, they are very comfortable when worn.
I would highly recommend these to anyone interested in purchasing them.
Miriam Rizzo I'm really amazed! It's not the first time I've bought underwear online, but it's the first time I'm 300% satisfied!! Very comfortable, it doesn't even seem to have them. Soft, they don't mark or tighten! I'll definitely take more. Super satisfied!
bl***41 Lovely knickers, beautiful material, sexy
da***db 🇬🇧
I am a size 16 and these panties are ideal although they are described XL on the waistband.
This is my second purchase of this style of panty and whilst these are all black in colour my first order was of a mixed colour variety.
I am very pleased with them, they are very comfortable when worn.
I would highly recommend these to anyone interested in purchasing them.
Miriam Rizzo I'm really amazed! It's not the first time I've bought underwear online, but it's the first time I'm 300% satisfied!! Very comfortable, it doesn't even seem to have them. Soft, they don't mark or tighten! I'll definitely take more. Super satisfied!
bl***41 Lovely knickers, beautiful material, sexy
da***db 🇬🇧
I am a size 16 and these panties are ideal although they are described XL on the waistband.
This is my second purchase of this style of panty and whilst these are all black in colour my first order was of a mixed colour variety.
I am very pleased with them, they are very comfortable when worn.
I would highly recommend these to anyone interested in purchasing them.
Miriam Rizzo I'm really amazed! It's not the first time I've bought underwear online, but it's the first time I'm 300% satisfied!! Very comfortable, it doesn't even seem to have them. Soft, they don't mark or tighten! I'll definitely take more. Super satisfied!
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