Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
Jozibador, nafis va qulay ayollar uchun uyqu kiyimlari mukammal uchrashuv kechasi uchun.
67 184 som
92 882 som
12 juft shirin rangli ayollar uchun qayiq paypoqlardan 4 jufti
15 360 som–51 190 som
Ayollar uchun 2-qismli dizayndagi uslubli atlas tunika to'plami, suspenders bilan.
106 659 som–116 744 som
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
Jozibador, nafis va qulay ayollar uchun uyqu kiyimlari mukammal uchrashuv kechasi uchun.
67 184 som
92 882 som
12 juft shirin rangli ayollar uchun qayiq paypoqlardan 4 jufti
15 360 som–51 190 som
Ayollar uchun 2-qismli dizayndagi uslubli atlas tunika to'plami, suspenders bilan.
106 659 som–116 744 som
- Uy
- Women's Lingerie & Lounge
- Ayollarning nafas oladigan sport paypoqlari 6 juftdan 3 jufti chiziqli.
Tarkibi: 80% Polyester, 20% Spandex
Material: Spandex
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Nayzalar: Chiziqlar
Oyoq kiyim turi: Qisqa
Oyoq kiyimlari soni: 6 juft
Jins: Ayollar
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Kolleksiya: Elegant
Uslub: Elegant
Uslub manbai: Stock
Item ID: 34201231
Manba: Zhejiang, Xitoy
Ushbu to'plam 6 juft nafas oladigan ayollar sport paypoqlaridan 3 juftni o'z ichiga oladi, ular zamonaviy chiziqlar bilan bezatilgan.
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sp***11 Surprisingly, the socks always fit me perfectly👍 I have size 36, very narrow feet, and they are not too thick or too thin, very elastic, and if I pull them on like that, they could also fit size 40🤩they are just simple socks, in beautiful colors, and the price is great👍
ma***_7 exactly the same as the description very good quality price they are chubby and do not transparent I recommend them I will place more in other colors very well packaged
63***69 I can't believe that it was so well priced, they are good enough to cost more, plus the fabric is not fat, nor excessively thin, so a great buy.
sp***11 Surprisingly, the socks always fit me perfectly👍 I have size 36, very narrow feet, and they are not too thick or too thin, very elastic, and if I pull them on like that, they could also fit size 40🤩they are just simple socks, in beautiful colors, and the price is great👍
ma***_7 exactly the same as the description very good quality price they are chubby and do not transparent I recommend them I will place more in other colors very well packaged
63***69 I can't believe that it was so well priced, they are good enough to cost more, plus the fabric is not fat, nor excessively thin, so a great buy.
sp***11 Surprisingly, the socks always fit me perfectly👍 I have size 36, very narrow feet, and they are not too thick or too thin, very elastic, and if I pull them on like that, they could also fit size 40🤩they are just simple socks, in beautiful colors, and the price is great👍
ma***_7 exactly the same as the description very good quality price they are chubby and do not transparent I recommend them I will place more in other colors very well packaged
63***69 I can't believe that it was so well priced, they are good enough to cost more, plus the fabric is not fat, nor excessively thin, so a great buy.
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