Chic 20" Kumush Zanjir - DIY Zargarlik va Maxsus Tadbirlar Uchun Mukammal
22 533 som
109 672 som
8 dona mini zargarlik plitalari to'plami DIY hunarmandchilik va zargarlikni ta'mirlash uchun.
152 601 som
592 149 som
Spacious jewelry box with 30 compartments, clear plastic storage for pearls and small items.
72 218 som
130 508 som
Chic 20" Kumush Zanjir - DIY Zargarlik va Maxsus Tadbirlar Uchun Mukammal
22 533 som
109 672 som
8 dona mini zargarlik plitalari to'plami DIY hunarmandchilik va zargarlikni ta'mirlash uchun.
152 601 som
592 149 som
Spacious jewelry box with 30 compartments, clear plastic storage for pearls and small items.
72 218 som
130 508 som
O'rnatish turi: Boshqa o'rnatish turlari
Xususiyat: Boshqa Xususiyatlar
Element shakli: To'rtburchak
Material: Plastik
Yopilish turi: Boshqa yopilish turlari
Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish: Ko'p maqsadli
Ichki material: Plastik
Uslub: Zamonaviy
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Item ID: 57326413
Ushbu zargarlik tashkilotchisi konteyneri uchta bo'limga ega va plastikdan tayyorlangan. U marjonlar, zargarlik buyumlari, vintlar va boshqa kichik narsalarni saqlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Siqilgan o'lcham va panjara dizayni sizning zargarlik to'plamingizga kirish va uni ko'rsatishni osonlashtiradi.
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nr***ic Great for the mixed fans!
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nr***ic Another purchase! I was so impressed that I bought another one! Great for mixed fans.
If my review was helpful, please leave a 👍🏻. Then I'll continue to rate with photos and my honest opinion!
as*18 excellent product & excellent service. I recommend dealing with this company. I have already bought from them several times now and no issue.
nr***ic Great for the mixed fans!
If my review was helpful, please leave a 👍🏻. Then I'll continue to rate with photos and my honest opinion!
nr***ic Another purchase! I was so impressed that I bought another one! Great for mixed fans.
If my review was helpful, please leave a 👍🏻. Then I'll continue to rate with photos and my honest opinion!
as*18 excellent product & excellent service. I recommend dealing with this company. I have already bought from them several times now and no issue.
nr***ic Great for the mixed fans!
If my review was helpful, please leave a 👍🏻. Then I'll continue to rate with photos and my honest opinion!
nr***ic Another purchase! I was so impressed that I bought another one! Great for mixed fans.
If my review was helpful, please leave a 👍🏻. Then I'll continue to rate with photos and my honest opinion!
as*18 excellent product & excellent service. I recommend dealing with this company. I have already bought from them several times now and no issue.
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