Men's Plus Size Skeleton Print Cardigan Sweaters
233 812 som–238 511 som
Hepa Filters for Samsung Robot Vacuum Cleaner SC43-SC47 Series VC-9625 VC-BM620
48 671 som–111 891 som
6/8/10 Solar Lawn Lamps with Wind-Driven LED Firefly, Garden Festival Decoration
55 263 som–64 293 som
Home use vacuum cupping set with 32 suction cups.
189 558 som–229 752 som
Chinese Character Writing Book for Children - Second Edition
52 500 som
67 452 som
Plus Size Men's "King" Print T-shirt & Shorts Set, Gradient Color 2PCS Outfits for Summer
173 239 som
456 009 som
Colorful copper steel strings for acoustic guitar 6-pack
12 171 som
79 999 som
Chinese Guide for Beginners: Anime Humanoid Body Materials
145 454 som
190 171 som
Sexy solid colored one-piece swimsuit with ruched front and high-cut detail for women.
108 321 som
354 029 som
Plus size men's denim jeans with multiple pockets, distressed style, and comfort fit for everyday wear.
326 032 som
1 096 565 som
Men's PLUS SIZE Stitching Casual Sneakers for Outdoor Activities
222 855 som–267 949 som
Plus Size Women's Sexy Bikini Set with Cover Up Dress - 3 Piece Set
134 687 som
521 178 som
4 soft-bristled toothbrushes with charcoal and cute animal designs for teeth care.
13 566 som
43 870 som
Casual V Neck Crochet Trim Cover Up Dress for Beach Holiday
112 818 som–114 583 som
Asymmetric color block cargo pants for plus size men, perfect for athletic street style.
220 481 som
582 863 som
Essentials for creating comics: Chinese version, featuring hairstyles and personalities.
106 061 som
123 458 som
Lighted ear wax removal tool for adults.
14 084 som–14 085 som
Stylish two-tone women's handbag with adjustable printed strap, made of PU material.
157 561 som–158 976 som
12 nickel shower curtain rings for durable hanging of bathroom curtains.
19 632 som–54 887 som
Children's Casual Cartoon Low Top Canvas Sneakers, Comfortable and Non-Slip
79 421 som–86 575 som
Waterproof nylon women's bag for middle-aged and elderly with multiple layers.
57 567 som–66 365 som
Valhalla Print Men's Crew Neck Plus Size T-shirt, Lightweight Tee for Summer Wear
115 167 som
303 217 som
Men's Plus Size Skeleton Print Cardigan Sweaters
233 812 som–238 511 som
Hepa Filters for Samsung Robot Vacuum Cleaner SC43-SC47 Series VC-9625 VC-BM620
48 671 som–111 891 som
6/8/10 Solar Lawn Lamps with Wind-Driven LED Firefly, Garden Festival Decoration
55 263 som–64 293 som
Home use vacuum cupping set with 32 suction cups.
189 558 som–229 752 som
Chinese Character Writing Book for Children - Second Edition
52 500 som
67 452 som
Plus Size Men's "King" Print T-shirt & Shorts Set, Gradient Color 2PCS Outfits for Summer
173 239 som
456 009 som
Colorful copper steel strings for acoustic guitar 6-pack
12 171 som
79 999 som
Chinese Guide for Beginners: Anime Humanoid Body Materials
145 454 som
190 171 som
Sexy solid colored one-piece swimsuit with ruched front and high-cut detail for women.
108 321 som
354 029 som
Plus size men's denim jeans with multiple pockets, distressed style, and comfort fit for everyday wear.
326 032 som
1 096 565 som
Men's PLUS SIZE Stitching Casual Sneakers for Outdoor Activities
222 855 som–267 949 som
Plus Size Women's Sexy Bikini Set with Cover Up Dress - 3 Piece Set
134 687 som
521 178 som
4 soft-bristled toothbrushes with charcoal and cute animal designs for teeth care.
13 566 som
43 870 som
Casual V Neck Crochet Trim Cover Up Dress for Beach Holiday
112 818 som–114 583 som
Asymmetric color block cargo pants for plus size men, perfect for athletic street style.
220 481 som
582 863 som
Essentials for creating comics: Chinese version, featuring hairstyles and personalities.
106 061 som
123 458 som
Lighted ear wax removal tool for adults.
14 084 som–14 085 som
Stylish two-tone women's handbag with adjustable printed strap, made of PU material.
157 561 som–158 976 som
12 nickel shower curtain rings for durable hanging of bathroom curtains.
19 632 som–54 887 som
Children's Casual Cartoon Low Top Canvas Sneakers, Comfortable and Non-Slip
79 421 som–86 575 som
Waterproof nylon women's bag for middle-aged and elderly with multiple layers.
57 567 som–66 365 som
Valhalla Print Men's Crew Neck Plus Size T-shirt, Lightweight Tee for Summer Wear
115 167 som
303 217 som
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Upgrade your stove with our heat driven 4 blade fan design for silent operation. This fan efficiently distributes heat from your stove, wood burner, or fireplace. Enjoy a silent flue fireplace fan with high efficiency heat distribution.
Boshqaruv usuli: Qo'llash
Tugatish turi: Polirovka qilingan
Tavsiya etilgan senariy: Havo aylanishi
Ventilyator turi: Kiyniladigan ventilyator
Aksessuar: Bir nechta komponentlar
Material: Alyuminiy
Maxsus xususiyatlar: Portativ
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Brend: KDEAM
Item ID: 30218586
So'nggi yangilanishni taqdim etamiz: Tezlik va havo hajmini oshirish uchun kuchaytirilgan fan qirrasi, past boshlanish harorati, kamaytirilgan shovqin, motorning uzoq umr ko'rishi, kuchaytirilgan chidamlilik va eng yuqori samaradorlik. Ushbu pech fanati belgilangan haroratga yetganda avtomatik ravishda ishga tushadi, qo'lda boshqarish zaruratini bartaraf etadi. Yuqori sifatli anodlangan alyuminiydan tayyorlangan mustahkam 4 qirrali fan, po'lat modellarga nisbatan yuqori issiqlik o'tkazuvchanligi samaradorligini taklif etadi.
Issiqlik bilan ishlaydigan yog'och pechka fanatlari pechkaning issiqligini elektr energiyasiga aylantirib, keyin motorni harakatlantirish uchun kinetik energiyaga aylantirib ishlaydi, bu esa pichoqning aylanishiga sabab bo'ladi. Ushbu fanatlar batareyalar yoki elektr energiyasini talab qilmaydi, bu esa ularni ekologik jihatdan qulay qiladi.
Termoelektrik modul, fan motorini ishlatish uchun mini generator sifatida ishlaydi, batareyalar yoki elektr energiyasiga ehtiyojni yo'q qiladi. Bu issiq havo aylanishini yaxshilaydi, qulaylikni oshiradi va pechdan yog'och iste'molini kamaytiradi.
Peçka ventilyatori yog'och/qo'rg'oshin yoqish pechining yoki kaminda tutashishi mumkin, u burchakli yuzada mustahkam turadi va qo'shimcha joy egallamaydi.
Jim ishlash: Pichoq to'plami yagona harakatlanuvchi qism bo'lib, tinch va shovqinsiz ishlashni ta'minlaydi. Siz hatto fanatning ishlayotganini sezmay qolasiz, lekin issiqlikni his qilasiz. Agar sizda biron bir savol bo'lsa, iltimos, murojaat qilishdan tortinmang.
Additional Information
Shipping & Return
Josef Scheurich Very good part
la***07 Everything is fine
ti***78 excellent product for the price .
Ro***th Everything is OK. 👍
Josef Scheurich Very good part
la***07 Everything is fine
ti***78 excellent product for the price .
Ro***th Everything is OK. 👍
Josef Scheurich Very good part
la***07 Everything is fine
ti***78 excellent product for the price .
Ro***th Everything is OK. 👍
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