Set of 20 High-Strength Double-Sided Adhesive Carpet Grippers - No-Residue Sticky Pads for Securely Holding Car Floor Mats & Home Floors, Perfect for Office Desks/Rooms. Constructed from Durable Plastic, Glass, and Metal for a Clean and Versatile Home
Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish: Avtomobil, Xona, Stol
Item ID: 35207541
Divan tuzatilgan, gilam tuzatilgan, yostiq qopqog'i tuzatilgan, yuqori haroratga chidamli, qoldiq yopishqoq yo'q, turli devorlar uchun mos, kesilishi mumkin, yuzasini artish va yopishtirish, chiqarish filmining ikkala tomonini yirtish, siqib qo'yish mumkin.
Set of 20 High-Strength Double-Sided Adhesive Carpet Grippers - No-Residue Sticky Pads for Securely Holding Car Floor Mats & Home Floors, Perfect for Office Desks/Rooms. Constructed from Durable Plastic, Glass, and Metal for a Clean and Versatile Home