120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Men's 2pcs Letters Pattern Fleece Lining Set for Winter
396 075 som–407 834 som
Men's Thermal Compression Base Layer Basketball Running Tights
58 812 som–61 334 som
5 men's athletic socks - vintage comfort, sweat absorbent, durable for sports
38 112 som–38 612 som
4pcs Basketball Tights with Compression Fit, Breathable Black Leggings for Gym Workout
174 151 som–179 676 som
20/30/50 Pairs of Men's Colorful Long Socks, Stylish and Comfortable
103 948 som–244 734 som
Men's sauna sweat shaping sports clothes for fitness training slimming sportswear.
58 570 som–67 066 som
3 Men's checkered boxer shorts for comfortable home leisure.
70 073 som–99 688 som
2-piece set of men's elastic waist brushed plaid sleep pants
166 589 som–167 697 som
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Ko'p funksiyali anti-slip gilam pad - gilamlar uchun yostiqli ushlagich, yuzalarni va mebelni himoya qiladi, oddiy sozlash va stol qopqog'i himoyachisi sifatida foydalanish uchun.
Amaliyot ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish
Material: 100% PVC
SKU maydoni ≥ 2.16m²: Ha
SKU uzunligi eng uzun tomoni ≥1.8m: Ha
Item ID: 83285778

Ko'p maqsadli va sozlanadigan o'lcham: Slid Safeguardive ostki qismi har qanday o'lchamdagi mat yoki stol qoplamasiga mos kelishi uchun osonlik bilan kesilishi mumkin. Slid Safeguardive ostki qismi saqlash bo'limlari, presslar, chashka yovvoyi cho'chqalar va kabinetlar uchun ajoyib qoplama bo'lib, narsalarni xavfsiz joyda ushlab turadi.

Ko'p funksiyali gilam tagligi: Uni mebellaringiz ostida, yoki stol yostiqlari, yo'l gilam tagligi, divan yostiqlari, to'shaklar va futon sifatida ishlatishingiz mumkin. Gilam tagligini oshxonangizda yoki yotoqxonangizda saqlash joylarida mustahkam yostiq sifatida joylashtiring. Uni xohlagan joyingizga qo'ying va sizga yoqadi!

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Zara Jamison Great product at a great price, exactly what we needed and work like a treat.
Krisztina Tompos It's just right for what I need, I just put the carpet on it, it definitely doesn't slip anymore, I had to cut it apart a bit, because I couldn't find exactly the same size, but it's still perfect. Thank you.
ja***aw well worth the money, very happy with this, excellent, thank you, excellent, thank you
Zara Jamison Great product at a great price, exactly what we needed and work like a treat.
Krisztina Tompos It's just right for what I need, I just put the carpet on it, it definitely doesn't slip anymore, I had to cut it apart a bit, because I couldn't find exactly the same size, but it's still perfect. Thank you.
ja***aw well worth the money, very happy with this, excellent, thank you, excellent, thank you
Zara Jamison Great product at a great price, exactly what we needed and work like a treat.
Krisztina Tompos It's just right for what I need, I just put the carpet on it, it definitely doesn't slip anymore, I had to cut it apart a bit, because I couldn't find exactly the same size, but it's still perfect. Thank you.
ja***aw well worth the money, very happy with this, excellent, thank you, excellent, thank you
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar
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