120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
AquaHeat 10W USB Submersible Fish Tank Heater for small tanks, no battery needed.
73 778 som
219 556 som
Gold plated double head stethoscope for practice, suitable for students and home use.
177 603 som–183 750 som
Imitation coral decoration for aquariums and living rooms.
11 880 som–14 477 som
Soldering workstation with magnifying glass, PCB holder, soldering tools, and flexible arm.
85 934 som–175 133 som
Special dog waiting box tent enclosed cat kennel pet production room.
155 740 som–175 252 som
AIRAJ Hardware Toolbox Set in 12 & 15 Inch Plastic Thick Combination Suitcase for various uses.
251 971 som
786 218 som
Leather belt punch pliers for sewing machine and hand tools.
56 619 som–69 583 som
AquaHeat 10W USB Submersible Fish Tank Heater for small tanks, no battery needed.
73 778 som
219 556 som
Gold plated double head stethoscope for practice, suitable for students and home use.
177 603 som–183 750 som
Imitation coral decoration for aquariums and living rooms.
11 880 som–14 477 som
Soldering workstation with magnifying glass, PCB holder, soldering tools, and flexible arm.
85 934 som–175 133 som
Special dog waiting box tent enclosed cat kennel pet production room.
155 740 som–175 252 som
AIRAJ Hardware Toolbox Set in 12 & 15 Inch Plastic Thick Combination Suitcase for various uses.
251 971 som
786 218 som
Leather belt punch pliers for sewing machine and hand tools.
56 619 som–69 583 som
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Avtomatik funktsiyaga ega elektr pichoq o'tkirlagichi, 1300mAh litiy batareyasi bilan USB orqali zaryadlanadigan, o'rtacha qattiqlikdagi o'tkirlik uchun mos, lagerda va oshxonada foydalanish uchun portativ, mustahkam plastikdan tayyorlangan.

Premium silikon muhrlash qopqog'i - Meishanpin Thermomix TM31, TM5, TM6 bilan mos keladi - FDA tomonidan tasdiqlangan, uzoq muddatli, qora qopqoq va shaffof raqamli ko'rsatkich bilan - oshxonada ovqat tayyorlash uchun mukammal
85 974 som
3 reviews
Bir dona metall oshxona sabzavot kesgichi, sabzavotlarni kesish uchun evropa standartidagi elektr oziq-ovqat protsessori. Ushbu oshxona asbobi har qanday oshpazlik ishqibozi uchun zarurdir.
853 230 som
3 reviews

Qattiqlik o'lchami: O'rta
Material: Plastik
Quvvat manbai: USB zaryadlash (ichki batareya)
Qayta zaryadlanadigan batareya: Litiy batareyasi
Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish: Kamping, Oshxona asboblari
Batareya sig'imi (mAh): 1300MAh
Item ID: 18898579

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
70***86 At first, I was surprised by the small size. It seemed bigger. But after using it, my doubts disappeared. It works fine now. Not the first time, but it does sharpen. Not a blade, but it's sharp. In everyday use, you don't need more. Thanks to everyone. Moreover, the price is very reasonable.
Marcos Tomasini Great knife sharpener, works amazing and it does the job really well. come with 2 replacement sharpening stones in it.
ma***67 Very good and leaves the. Knives with good edge and easy to use. .. Recommended 100%
70***86 At first, I was surprised by the small size. It seemed bigger. But after using it, my doubts disappeared. It works fine now. Not the first time, but it does sharpen. Not a blade, but it's sharp. In everyday use, you don't need more. Thanks to everyone. Moreover, the price is very reasonable.
Marcos Tomasini Great knife sharpener, works amazing and it does the job really well. come with 2 replacement sharpening stones in it.
ma***67 Very good and leaves the. Knives with good edge and easy to use. .. Recommended 100%
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