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- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- 15 ta yopishqoq bo'lmagan idishlar to'plami, ajratiladigan tutqichlar bilan - induktsion pechlarda, RVlarda va ochiq havoda lagerda foydalanish uchun ideal - yuqori sifatli alyuminiy qovurish panalari va zarur oshxona asboblari

12 ta bej rangli yopishqoq idish-to'plami, olib tashlanadigan tutqichlar bilan - induktsion plitalar va pechlar uchun mos, idish-tovoq tozalash mashinasida xavfsiz.
1 048 940 som
3 reviews
Usmonli 7-qismli keramika sho'rva idishi to'plami qopqoq bilan - Uy oshxonasi uchun ideal.
1 002 630 som
3 reviews

Material: Alyuminiy
Item ID: 34830923
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Viktoria Hagleitner Visually very beautiful, very handy in use. How long they last will be interesting. So far I am very satisfied
ma***ie Well received my order.
Not yet used.
But great article, I recommend it.
Can't wait to be able to use it.
Nathalie Cocotte great set pan a little damaged and 2 pans slightly deformed in transport I guess, but no big deal because very very happy, I cooked with it and very well ...
They adapt very well to my induction hob.
I highly recommend.
It was supposed to arrive by the end of the month and I received 3 weeks before...
Viktoria Hagleitner Visually very beautiful, very handy in use. How long they last will be interesting. So far I am very satisfied
ma***ie Well received my order.
Not yet used.
But great article, I recommend it.
Can't wait to be able to use it.
Nathalie Cocotte great set pan a little damaged and 2 pans slightly deformed in transport I guess, but no big deal because very very happy, I cooked with it and very well ...
They adapt very well to my induction hob.
I highly recommend.
It was supposed to arrive by the end of the month and I received 3 weeks before...
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar
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