120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Men's sexy see-through solid color long sleeve jumpsuit for party clubwear.
169 646 som–172 563 som
Men's KING Printed Robe for Home Pajamas.
158 748 som–171 335 som
Men's Geometric Graphic Print Golf Shirt for Spring, Summer, and Fall Outdoor Wear
142 232 som–152 980 som
4 sexy, comfortable, and soft men's underwear shorts, with breathable flat angle design.
103 580 som–116 697 som
Men's striped boxers in 1pc, 4pcs, or 8pcs sets, with stylish design and breathable fabric.
24 212 som–167 371 som
Durable white nylon blend cast net ideal for all fish species.
205 440 som–275 889 som
Cotton crew neck t-shirt for men
68 496 som–85 573 som
4-Pack Men's Cotton Underwear Shorts with Breathable Elastic Waistband
112 247 som–114 468 som
Men's Camo Print Summer Shirt - Short Sleeve, Breathable Polyester, Round Neck
63 640 som
216 208 som
Stylish lightweight walking shoes for women.
201 078 som–207 761 som
6 printed men's underwear with elastic waistband, soft and comfortable for everyday wear
147 661 som
456 440 som
Men's Sleeveless Jacket with Zipper Pockets, Stand Neck Vest for Outdoor Activities.
163 024 som–164 321 som
Men's and women's college style retro socks, breathable and thick, suitable for all seasons.
21 943 som–199 631 som
Men's solid color V-neck knitted vest for autumn and winter.
238 243 som–243 114 som
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- 100 dona qayta ishlatiladigan oziq-ovqat qopqog'i saqlash sumkalari, idishlar uchun elastik plastinka silikondan qopqoq, mevalar uchun plastik yangi saqlash muhrlari, qadoqlash va sovg'a to'plamlari.
Material: Plastik
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Ha
Item ID: 78811800
Texnik xususiyatlar: MATERIALLAR HDPE/LDPE
Tavsif: [Katta va ularning] Yangilangan Ovqat Qopqog'i Yassi yotqizilgandan keyin 25 sm diametrga ega bo'lib, Bu Stol, Qozonlar va Har xil shakldagi va ko'p o'lchamdagi boshqa ovqat idishlari uchun mos keladi.
[Xavfsiz va sog'lom] Bu yuqori sifatli HDPE/LDPE materialidan tayyorlangan, toksik emas, hidlanmaydi va xavfsizdir, shuning uchun uni ovqat maskalari uchun xavfsiz ishlatish mumkin. Ovqatning namlanishini samarali ravishda oldini oladi.
[Qayta ishlatiladigan va toza] Foydalanilgandan so'ng ovqat qopqog'ini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri suv bilan yuvish mumkin va quritilgandan so'ng yana ishlatilishi mumkin, bu esa xarajatlarni tejaydi.
[To'g'ri o'ralgan] Har bir ehtiyotkorlik bilan tayyorlangan shaffof ovqat qopqog'ining cheti mos egilish bilan elastik lenta bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, bu plastinkani ortiqcha kuchlanishsiz o'rab olish imkonini beradi.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Filomena Cassano Silicone food covers are very convenient. This is the second time I've bought them. I highly recommend them.
An*** K A great product, we've bought it more than once. I don't know how we managed without them before!
zo***ms perfect covers for prepping snacks or anything for that matter, no more looking for lids or waving away insects ... love it🎉
Filomena Cassano Silicone food covers are very convenient. This is the second time I've bought them. I highly recommend them.
An*** K A great product, we've bought it more than once. I don't know how we managed without them before!
zo***ms perfect covers for prepping snacks or anything for that matter, no more looking for lids or waving away insects ... love it🎉
Filomena Cassano Silicone food covers are very convenient. This is the second time I've bought them. I highly recommend them.
An*** K A great product, we've bought it more than once. I don't know how we managed without them before!
zo***ms perfect covers for prepping snacks or anything for that matter, no more looking for lids or waving away insects ... love it🎉
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