120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Kichik plastik bonsai ulgurji savdoga, haqiqiy ko'rinishda, uy bezatish uchun mukammal.
17 101 som–17 995 som
1 dona Avtomatik Qayta Zaryadlanadigan Elektr Murch Qayg'ich, 5.49 sm X 4.98 sm X 7.08 sm.
122 404 som–256 914 som
22 in 1 Sabzavot maydalagich, 12 pichoq, kesgich, to‘g‘ragich va suzgich bilan.
173 633 som–227 520 som
Qizil Atirgul Yostiq Qoplamasi To'plami 2 Yostiqcha Bilan - Yumshoq va Har Mavsumga Mos
177 918 som–266 191 som
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Ko'p funksiyali ergonomik konserva ochgich, uy oshxonasida foydalanish uchun sirpanmas tutqichi bilan. Shuningdek, qo'l bilan idish va shisha qopqog'ini ochish funksiyasini ham bajaradi.

WeluvFit xavfsiz shisha qulfi 3 raqamli kombinatsion qopqoq bilan jihozlangan, mustahkam ABS plastikdan tayyorlangan, lever mexanizmi bilan, qora va oltin ranglarda, standart shishalar uchun mos keladi.
41 220 som
3 reviews
Quyon mavzusidagi va oltin alyuminiy shisha ochgichlar to'plami.
148 434 som
3 reviews

Material: Plastik
Quvvat manbai: Quvvat manbaisiz foydalaning
Item ID: 94571215
Ushbu ko'p funksiyali oshxona asbobi 5-in-1 ergonomik konserva ochgich bo'lib, sirpanmas tutqichga ega, bu esa uni uy oshxonangizda ishlatish uchun mukammal qiladi. Shuningdek, u qo'lda idish va shisha qopqog'ini ochish uchun ham ishlatilishi mumkin, bu esa sizning barcha ovqat tayyorlash va ovqatlanish ehtiyojlaringiz uchun qulaylik va osonlik ta'minlaydi.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Damia Wilmart This is the dream for opening all the closures that we can no longer open when we get older and suffer from arthrosis or arthritis in the hands.
ch***de highly recommended, this is great, really useful, super, well made affordable, lovely item, perfect
li***51 This model of screw cap opener is perfect.It does not hurt the cap.I recommend!
Damia Wilmart This is the dream for opening all the closures that we can no longer open when we get older and suffer from arthrosis or arthritis in the hands.
ch***de highly recommended, this is great, really useful, super, well made affordable, lovely item, perfect
li***51 This model of screw cap opener is perfect.It does not hurt the cap.I recommend!
Damia Wilmart This is the dream for opening all the closures that we can no longer open when we get older and suffer from arthrosis or arthritis in the hands.
ch***de highly recommended, this is great, really useful, super, well made affordable, lovely item, perfect
li***51 This model of screw cap opener is perfect.It does not hurt the cap.I recommend!
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar
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