Lateks to'shak
906 540 som–3 752 669 som
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
49 673 som–76 301 som
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
335 358 som
719 003 som
4 dona/2 dona, Sun'iy Bitcoin tangasi bezak, Sovg'a - Yodgorlik nusxasi medal.
12 797 som–21 792 som
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
46 243 som–47 737 som
Lateks to'shak
906 540 som–3 752 669 som
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
49 673 som–76 301 som
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
335 358 som
719 003 som
4 dona/2 dona, Sun'iy Bitcoin tangasi bezak, Sovg'a - Yodgorlik nusxasi medal.
12 797 som–21 792 som
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
46 243 som–47 737 som
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Gul naqshli polyester stol yuvog'i, suv o'tkazmaydigan va yog' o'tkazmaydigan. Pikniklar, bayram partiyalari va uy bezaklari uchun mukammal.
Shakl: To'rtburchak
To'qish turi: Mashina bilan tayyorlangan
Bayramlar: Shukrona
Shablon: Grafik
Material: Polyester
Qoplama materiali: 100% polyester
To'qish usuli: To'qilgan
Item ID: 13076167
Manba: Zhejiang, Xitoy
Ushbu mahsulot suv o'tkazmaydigan va yog' o'tkazmaydigan polyester stol usti, oddiy to'rtburchak shaklida gullar naqshiga ega bo'lgan bitta parcha. Bu pikniklar yoki bayram ziyofatlari uchun juda mos keladi, shuningdek, har qanday joyga uy bezaklari qo'shish uchun ajoyib.
Gul stol qoplamasi, Material: Polyester, Har bir yuvishdan so'ng bir xil va yangi holatda qoladi. qisqarish yo'q, rang o'zgarishi yo'q. Bizning jozibali to'r naqshli stol qoplamalarimiz yaxshi bezak bo'ladi, Bu to'rtburchak stol qoplamasi bufet kechki ovqati, ovqatlanish stoli, oshxona stoli, choy stoli, ziyofat, marosim, tug'ilgan kun, kafe, banket, lager, ichki va tashqi kundalik foydalanish va boshqalar uchun mos keladi. ISSIQ MASLAHAT: Iltimos, xarid qilishdan oldin stolingizni o'lchab ko'ring, stol qoplamasining o'lchami odatda stolning o'lchamidan kattaroq bo'ladi. Agar stol qoplamamiz bilan bog'liq muammo bo'lsa, iltimos, darhol biz bilan bog'laning!

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
70***77 The tablecloth passed the test: spilled drinks are easily cleaned up, water simply forms into beads, and it's easy to wipe away both water and grease stains. I washed it in a washing machine at 30 degrees. It's easy to iron. So far, I have no complaints. I like everything about it.
fatimę zeqiri super, Very good quality., worth buying product, its sooooo beautiful, Very good quality., its sooooo beautiful, perfect for my table
me**ri Bought 2 timesI had ordered a smaller size and needed a larger one. These tablecloths are really beautiful, easy to care for and even after several washes they are still beautiful, and their shape does not move. Perfect.
70***77 The tablecloth passed the test: spilled drinks are easily cleaned up, water simply forms into beads, and it's easy to wipe away both water and grease stains. I washed it in a washing machine at 30 degrees. It's easy to iron. So far, I have no complaints. I like everything about it.
fatimę zeqiri super, Very good quality., worth buying product, its sooooo beautiful, Very good quality., its sooooo beautiful, perfect for my table
me**ri Bought 2 timesI had ordered a smaller size and needed a larger one. These tablecloths are really beautiful, easy to care for and even after several washes they are still beautiful, and their shape does not move. Perfect.
70***77 The tablecloth passed the test: spilled drinks are easily cleaned up, water simply forms into beads, and it's easy to wipe away both water and grease stains. I washed it in a washing machine at 30 degrees. It's easy to iron. So far, I have no complaints. I like everything about it.
fatimę zeqiri super, Very good quality., worth buying product, its sooooo beautiful, Very good quality., its sooooo beautiful, perfect for my table
me**ri Bought 2 timesI had ordered a smaller size and needed a larger one. These tablecloths are really beautiful, easy to care for and even after several washes they are still beautiful, and their shape does not move. Perfect.
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