120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Kichik plastik bonsai ulgurji savdoga, haqiqiy ko'rinishda, uy bezatish uchun mukammal.
17 101 som–17 995 som
1 dona Avtomatik Qayta Zaryadlanadigan Elektr Murch Qayg'ich, 5.49 sm X 4.98 sm X 7.08 sm.
122 404 som–256 914 som
22 in 1 Sabzavot maydalagich, 12 pichoq, kesgich, to‘g‘ragich va suzgich bilan.
173 633 som–227 520 som
Qizil Atirgul Yostiq Qoplamasi To'plami 2 Yostiqcha Bilan - Yumshoq va Har Mavsumga Mos
177 918 som–266 191 som
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Elektr kerak emas: Devorga o'rnatish uchun qo'lda bosiladigan og'iz yuvish dispenseri.
Elektr ta'minoti: Elektrsiz foydalaning
Mahsulot identifikatori: 15922446

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Tommy I am very pleased with this. It's cheaply made, light, but does the job perfectly for my mouthwash. It comes with a sheet of printed labels, to decide what you are gonna use it for. I chose MOUTHWASH as that's what I wanted it for. Stuck the label on the front and works perfectly. However I thought it would come with the small cup as shown. It does not, but I had the perfect cup already, so not a big thing. Very pleased with my purchase, thank you Temu.
Rebeca Sánchez I use it for the shower gel and so far it works quite well and stays attached to the wall. It's a very useful tool that reduces the visual clutter in the shower.
Lady Preddy good quality product, really handy, ideal, , happy, thank you, comes with a sticky patch which secures your item well enough. I use it for mouth wash, instead of having a bottle lying around.
Tommy I am very pleased with this. It's cheaply made, light, but does the job perfectly for my mouthwash. It comes with a sheet of printed labels, to decide what you are gonna use it for. I chose MOUTHWASH as that's what I wanted it for. Stuck the label on the front and works perfectly. However I thought it would come with the small cup as shown. It does not, but I had the perfect cup already, so not a big thing. Very pleased with my purchase, thank you Temu.
Rebeca Sánchez I use it for the shower gel and so far it works quite well and stays attached to the wall. It's a very useful tool that reduces the visual clutter in the shower.
Lady Preddy good quality product, really handy, ideal, , happy, thank you, comes with a sticky patch which secures your item well enough. I use it for mouth wash, instead of having a bottle lying around.
Tommy I am very pleased with this. It's cheaply made, light, but does the job perfectly for my mouthwash. It comes with a sheet of printed labels, to decide what you are gonna use it for. I chose MOUTHWASH as that's what I wanted it for. Stuck the label on the front and works perfectly. However I thought it would come with the small cup as shown. It does not, but I had the perfect cup already, so not a big thing. Very pleased with my purchase, thank you Temu.
Rebeca Sánchez I use it for the shower gel and so far it works quite well and stays attached to the wall. It's a very useful tool that reduces the visual clutter in the shower.
Lady Preddy good quality product, really handy, ideal, , happy, thank you, comes with a sticky patch which secures your item well enough. I use it for mouth wash, instead of having a bottle lying around.
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