Set of 4 Christmas pillow covers in purple with festive snowman and Christmas tree designs. Each cover measures 45.72x45.72 cm and is made of machine washable polyester velvet. Perfect for adding holiday cheer to your sofa or bedroom decor.
Mahsulot tafsilotlari: Qisqa plushdan tayyorlangan bezak yostiq qoplamalari, bosma dizayn bilan. Har bir qoplama 45x45 sm (18x18 dyuym) o'lchamda va taxminan 200 g (7 oz) og'irlikda. Pastki qismida ko'rinmas fermuar yopilishi mavjud. Naqsh faqat old tomonida. Paketda 4 ta yostiq qoplamasi mavjud. Tozalash ko'rsatmalari: Oqartiruvchi yoki qattiq ishqalanishdan saqlaning. Iltimos, mahsulotning rangi yorug'lik va ekran sozlamalari tufayli biroz farq qilishi mumkinligini unutmang.
Iltimos, qo'lda o'lchovlar farqli bo'lishi natijasida o'lchovlarda kichik farqlarni hisobga oling.
Set of 4 Christmas pillow covers in purple with festive snowman and Christmas tree designs. Each cover measures 45.72x45.72 cm and is made of machine washable polyester velvet. Perfect for adding holiday cheer to your sofa or bedroom decor.