Protect your outdoor AC unit year-round with our All-Season AC Cover. Made from durable PVC mesh, this cover features adjustable elastic cords for a secure fit. Keep your unit safe from debris, leaves, and water damage with this waterproof protection
Har mavsumga mo'ljallangan konditsioner qopqog'i - Qurilmaning xizmat muddatini uzaytirish uchun konditsioner ichiga axlat va tushgan barglarning kirishining oldini olish uchun samarali himoya.
Mustahkam material - tashqi birlikning to'r qopqog'i PVC naylon to'ridan tayyorlangan bo'lib, uzoq muddatli himoya ta'minlaydi.
Foydalanish oson - AC to'r qopqog'i to'rt (4) moslashuvchan elastik ip bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, u qurilmaning yoniga mahkamlangan va yuqoriga mustahkam bog'lanishi mumkin.
Standart konfiguratsiya - Biz 3 o'lchamdagi AC markaziy qopqoqni taqdim etamiz
Protect your outdoor AC unit year-round with our All-Season AC Cover. Made from durable PVC mesh, this cover features adjustable elastic cords for a secure fit. Keep your unit safe from debris, leaves, and water damage with this waterproof protection