Keep your car's air conditioning system running smoothly with these R134a AC System Charging Port Caps. Made of durable ABS plastic, these caps are corrosion-resistant and come in both 13mm and 16mm sizes for the high and low sides of your AC system.
Texnik xususiyatlar:
O'lcham: 13mm+16mm
Rang: Qora
1. Avtomobilning havalandirish tizimini almashtirish va ta'mirlash uchun mos.
2.5 ta qopqoq yuqori tomon port 16 mm, va 5 ta qopqoq pastki tomon port 13 mm.
3. Bosimga chidamlilik, korroziyaga chidamlilik.
4. Qopqoq ichida muhrlar mavjud.
5. Ko'p avtomobillar uchun universal moslik
Keep your car's air conditioning system running smoothly with these R134a AC System Charging Port Caps. Made of durable ABS plastic, these caps are corrosion-resistant and come in both 13mm and 16mm sizes for the high and low sides of your AC system.