Ideal for gifts, this watch band organizer is a nylon waterproof storage bag that can hold 10-15 watch bands. It is a portable carrying case pouch for travel and compatible with watch bands from Garmin, Apple, Samsung, and more.
1. Yengil tuzilma, nozik ish, chiroyli va mustahkam.
2. Yuqori sifatli matolar, burishmaydigan, suyuqlik o'tkazmaydigan, ishqalanishga chidamli, chizishdan himoyalangan va uzoq xizmat muddatiga ega.
3. U tasmani mukammal saqlaydi va olib yurish oson.
4. Portativ, mustahkam, to'rli cho'ntak.
Texnik xususiyatlar:
Mahsulot: Soat tasmasi sumkasi
Rang: Qora, Kulrang, Qizil vino, Dengiz ko'k, Ko'k, Binafsha
Material: Nilon, G'ovak
Ideal for gifts, this watch band organizer is a nylon waterproof storage bag that can hold 10-15 watch bands. It is a portable carrying case pouch for travel and compatible with watch bands from Garmin, Apple, Samsung, and more.