Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
- Uy
- Ayollar uchun ichki kiyim va dam olish
- Jozibali qizil jigarrang ichki kiyim to'plami, gullar bilan bezatilgan dori va mos keladigan ichki kiyimni o'z ichiga oladi. Neylon/elastan aralashmasi, mashinada yuvish mumkin. O'smirlar va maxsus tadbirlar uchun ideal.
Tarkibi: 90% Poliamid, 10% Elastan
Material: Poliamid
Tafsilotlar: Qarama-qarshi Dantelli
Shakl: Bir rang
Tegishli odamlar: O'smir
Shiddat: Yo'q
Tur: Kirpik to'plamlari
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Uslub: Jozibador
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Item ID: 73500117
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
Ushbu to'plam maroon rangidagi brassiy va mos keladigan ichki kiyimdan iborat bo'lib, u nylon/elastan aralashmasidan tayyorlangan, gullar naqshiga ega va qirralari to'g'ri kesilgan. Mashinada yuvish mumkin va o'smirlar uchun mukammal, bu ichki kiyim to'plami nafaqat jozibali, balki romantik ham bo'lib, maxsus tadbirlar uchun ideal hisoblanadi. Murakkab dantel naqshi umumiy ko'rinishga nafislik qo'shadi.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
ne***eg These are splendid sets that are very comfortable to wear, being soft on the body as they have no wires. I love them!!
The matching panties are much better fitted than those in other sets I've bought.
simone regner I usually wear size M but ordered size L, which turned out to be a good choice. It fits very well. It could also be that I've just gained some weight 😀🤣 Regardless, it's very comfortable to wear.
xg***nx Very very good material, I highly recommend this item express delivery. The quality of the product is perfect.
ne***eg These are splendid sets that are very comfortable to wear, being soft on the body as they have no wires. I love them!!
The matching panties are much better fitted than those in other sets I've bought.
simone regner I usually wear size M but ordered size L, which turned out to be a good choice. It fits very well. It could also be that I've just gained some weight 😀🤣 Regardless, it's very comfortable to wear.
xg***nx Very very good material, I highly recommend this item express delivery. The quality of the product is perfect.
ne***eg These are splendid sets that are very comfortable to wear, being soft on the body as they have no wires. I love them!!
The matching panties are much better fitted than those in other sets I've bought.
simone regner I usually wear size M but ordered size L, which turned out to be a good choice. It fits very well. It could also be that I've just gained some weight 😀🤣 Regardless, it's very comfortable to wear.
xg***nx Very very good material, I highly recommend this item express delivery. The quality of the product is perfect.
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