Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
- Uy
- Ayollar uchun ichki kiyim va dam olish
- Havo o'tkazuvchi, cho'ziluvchan pushti sport brassasi, poyabzal dizayni, barmoq teshiklari va yoga va mashg'ulotlar uchun yuqori qo'llab-quvvatlash.
Tarkibi: 85% Poliamid, 15% Spandeks
Material: Poliamid
Jins: Ayol
Tafsilotlar: Orqasiz
Nayza: Chiziqlar
Tegishli odamlar: Kattalar
Sheer: Yo'q
Tur: Sport bra
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Uslub: Sport
Matoga elastiklik: Yuqori elastiklik
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Item ID: 62890883
Ushbu yuqori qo'llab-quvvatlovchi ayollar sport brasi nafas oladigan va cho'ziluvchan nylon/spandex aralashmasidan tayyorlangan, yoga va mashg'ulotlar uchun mukammal. Racerback dizayni eng yuqori qulaylik va qo'llab-quvvatlashni ta'minlaydi, non-see-through material esa sizning mashg'ulotingizga diqqatni jamlash imkonini beradi. Barmoq teshiklari bilan va zamonaviy pushti rangda, ushbu sport brasi sport zalida bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan aksessuar.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
BK Finally, a bra that is suitable in size and shape. It also provides good support and shapes. It is comfortable to wear, flexible, has a well-developed clasp. I dare to recommend it.
Lady_K Considering how cheap it is I'd say value for the money, the done a good job, perfect, super comfy
aj***77 perfect, super comfy, soft and comfortable. Tax n duty fees becoming more expensive, saving on items but then paying so much for tax n duty. Not sure if it's worth it anymore.
BK Finally, a bra that is suitable in size and shape. It also provides good support and shapes. It is comfortable to wear, flexible, has a well-developed clasp. I dare to recommend it.
Lady_K Considering how cheap it is I'd say value for the money, the done a good job, perfect, super comfy
aj***77 perfect, super comfy, soft and comfortable. Tax n duty fees becoming more expensive, saving on items but then paying so much for tax n duty. Not sure if it's worth it anymore.
BK Finally, a bra that is suitable in size and shape. It also provides good support and shapes. It is comfortable to wear, flexible, has a well-developed clasp. I dare to recommend it.
Lady_K Considering how cheap it is I'd say value for the money, the done a good job, perfect, super comfy
aj***77 perfect, super comfy, soft and comfortable. Tax n duty fees becoming more expensive, saving on items but then paying so much for tax n duty. Not sure if it's worth it anymore.
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- Uy
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