Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
12 juft shirin rangli ayollar uchun qayiq paypoqlardan 4 jufti
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
12 juft shirin rangli ayollar uchun qayiq paypoqlardan 4 jufti
- Uy
- Women's Lingerie & Lounge
- Qora spaghetti tasmasi, orqa qismi ochiq, ayollar uchun tasodifiy uy kiyimi, to'qilgan matodan tayyorlangan.
Yeng uzunligi: Yengsiz
Tafsilotlar: Orqasiz
Shakl: Bir rang
Tegishli odamlar: Kattalar
Shiddat: Yo'q
Matoga elastiklik: O'rta elastiklik
Yuqori uslubi: Spagetti tasma
Material: Polyester
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Mavsum: Har mavsum uchun
Uslub: Norasmiy
Tarkibi: 95% Polyester, 5% Spandex
Bosma turi: Bosma yo'q
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Item ID: 58991780
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
Bu ayollar uchun zamonaviy qora spaghetti tasma orqasi ochiq bluzka. U qulay to'qilgan matodan tayyorlangan va bir rangli dizaynga ega. Yengsiz uslubi uni yil davomida kiyish uchun ajoyib qiladi va u norasmiy tadbirlar yoki uyda dam olish uchun mukammaldir.
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Veni Aleksi The material is almost transparent, I'm not particularly impressed, but it's well made and has great stretch. If you're ordering, order a size smaller as my size was too big for me.
ch***19 to be honest is really beautiful it is appreciated it. I wit people can buy more of it is really nice en good to wear....
Jeffrey Daniels happy with my order,, so cute and comfy,,, very comfortable,, brilliant quality, looks great on
Veni Aleksi The material is almost transparent, I'm not particularly impressed, but it's well made and has great stretch. If you're ordering, order a size smaller as my size was too big for me.
ch***19 to be honest is really beautiful it is appreciated it. I wit people can buy more of it is really nice en good to wear....
Jeffrey Daniels happy with my order,, so cute and comfy,,, very comfortable,, brilliant quality, looks great on
Veni Aleksi The material is almost transparent, I'm not particularly impressed, but it's well made and has great stretch. If you're ordering, order a size smaller as my size was too big for me.
ch***19 to be honest is really beautiful it is appreciated it. I wit people can buy more of it is really nice en good to wear....
Jeffrey Daniels happy with my order,, so cute and comfy,,, very comfortable,, brilliant quality, looks great on
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