Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
Ayollar uchun oltin velur pijama to'plami, barcha fasllar uchun mukammal.
Ayollar uchun tug‘ishdan keyingi belni siqadigan va orqa ko‘taruvchi shimlar.
Ayollar uchun tikilgan ikki qismli to'plam
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
- Uy
- Женское белье и домашняя одежда
- 4 ta qarama-qarshi dantel simsiz brasslar, ayollarning ichki kiyimlari va ichki kiyimlari uchun mukammal qulay scallop trim bilan.
Tarkibi: 10% Elastan, 90% Poliamid
Material: Poliamid
Ko'krak yostiqchasi: Olib tashlanadigan yostiqchalar
Simlar: Simsiz
Tafsilotlar: Yo'q
Shablon: Bir rang
Tegishli odamlar: O'smir
Sheer: Yo'q
Tur: Bralette
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Uslub: Romantika
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Tovar ID: 92851674
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
Ushbu to'plamda to'rtta simsiz brassoylar mavjud bo'lib, ular kontrastli dantel bezaklari bilan ajralib turadi, qulay va nafis qirrali dizaynni taqdim etadi. Ayollar uchun ichki kiyim va ichki kiyim to'plamlari uchun mukammal.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Yu***ko very nice. the straps is a little thin but it's perfect for the price. not so much support if you have a bigger bust, but perfect for A and B cup.
08***a5 their great for the price, burt have zero to no support if you have smaller ... I think it would be perfect. be aware that that they might be have the support you're looking for
Riley They’re absolutely amazing, I love the fabric and the way it’s strong but also very stretchy at the same time. The stitching is also amazing and the label is easy to remove. I just adore them.
Yu***ko very nice. the straps is a little thin but it's perfect for the price. not so much support if you have a bigger bust, but perfect for A and B cup.
08***a5 their great for the price, burt have zero to no support if you have smaller ... I think it would be perfect. be aware that that they might be have the support you're looking for
Riley They’re absolutely amazing, I love the fabric and the way it’s strong but also very stretchy at the same time. The stitching is also amazing and the label is easy to remove. I just adore them.
Yu***ko very nice. the straps is a little thin but it's perfect for the price. not so much support if you have a bigger bust, but perfect for A and B cup.
08***a5 their great for the price, burt have zero to no support if you have smaller ... I think it would be perfect. be aware that that they might be have the support you're looking for
Riley They’re absolutely amazing, I love the fabric and the way it’s strong but also very stretchy at the same time. The stitching is also amazing and the label is easy to remove. I just adore them.
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