1 dona Kulrang Chang to'plovchi sumka almashtirish uchun
Oshxona, hammom va diqqatni tortuvchi tozalash uchun yuqori haroratda bug' tozalagich.
Kuchli Simplus 16000PA Simli Changyutgich Uy tozalash uchun.
Simplus Simple 400W simli changyutgich, 4m sim bilan
Yengil EU rozetkali changyutgich kuchli so'rish bilan
Yuqori texnologiyali avtomatlashtirilgan deraza tozalash roboti.
1 dona Kulrang Chang to'plovchi sumka almashtirish uchun
Oshxona, hammom va diqqatni tortuvchi tozalash uchun yuqori haroratda bug' tozalagich.
Kuchli Simplus 16000PA Simli Changyutgich Uy tozalash uchun.
Simplus Simple 400W simli changyutgich, 4m sim bilan
Yengil EU rozetkali changyutgich kuchli so'rish bilan
Yuqori texnologiyali avtomatlashtirilgan deraza tozalash roboti.
- Uy
- Vakuumlar va Polni Parvarishlash
- 4 ta dumaloq changdan himoyalangan vakuum cho'tkasi to'plami, 32mm dan 35mm gacha bo'lgan 1 ta adapter va vakuum tozalagichlar uchun 3 ta almashtiriladigan yumshoq cho'tka qo'shimchalari.
Vakuum ulanish turi: Chang tozalash cho'tkasi
Material: Polipropilen (PP)
Item ID: 72397965
Дополнительная информация
Доставка и возврат
Fa***la Ser 4 pieces as described, perfect attachment to my old vacuum cleaner, everything corresponds to the description.
th***rt I am very satisfied with the brushes and the adapter is also very good, so they also fit on my vacuum cleaner.
ra***el It was my first order from Temu. At first I was skeptical whether the goods were okay and would arrive. The delivery came much faster than announced and the goods are absolutely o.k.
Will order from Temu again and hope that this will be served just as gur. After that, I give a re-evaluation,
Fa***la Ser 4 pieces as described, perfect attachment to my old vacuum cleaner, everything corresponds to the description.
th***rt I am very satisfied with the brushes and the adapter is also very good, so they also fit on my vacuum cleaner.
ra***el It was my first order from Temu. At first I was skeptical whether the goods were okay and would arrive. The delivery came much faster than announced and the goods are absolutely o.k.
Will order from Temu again and hope that this will be served just as gur. After that, I give a re-evaluation,
Fa***la Ser 4 pieces as described, perfect attachment to my old vacuum cleaner, everything corresponds to the description.
th***rt I am very satisfied with the brushes and the adapter is also very good, so they also fit on my vacuum cleaner.
ra***el It was my first order from Temu. At first I was skeptical whether the goods were okay and would arrive. The delivery came much faster than announced and the goods are absolutely o.k.
Will order from Temu again and hope that this will be served just as gur. After that, I give a re-evaluation,
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