120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Glass cover box with knife for cheese, butter, sandwiches, cake, and dessert.
1 Cat Wall Furniture Set: Shelves, Bed, Steps, Tower
6 Self-Adhesive Elastic Bandages for Sports, Medical, and Injury Support
Air mattress with headboard, blow-up sofa bed, for indoor and outdoor use.
USB/Battery Dual-Use Soldering Iron with Temperature Adjustment and Accessories
Set of 4 luxury handmade whiskey glasses for hand wash only.
1/4 Inch Hex Shank Quick Change Cone Drill
Glass cover box with knife for cheese, butter, sandwiches, cake, and dessert.
1 Cat Wall Furniture Set: Shelves, Bed, Steps, Tower
6 Self-Adhesive Elastic Bandages for Sports, Medical, and Injury Support
Air mattress with headboard, blow-up sofa bed, for indoor and outdoor use.
USB/Battery Dual-Use Soldering Iron with Temperature Adjustment and Accessories
Set of 4 luxury handmade whiskey glasses for hand wash only.
1/4 Inch Hex Shank Quick Change Cone Drill

Elastik belbog'li, ingichka A-shakl dizayni, shaffof bo'lmagan astar bilan, ayollar uchun mukammal, zamonaviy oq fransuz uzun yubka.
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Ayollar uchun zamonaviy polka nuqtali bluzka - yozgi ta'tillar uchun mukammal. Polyesterdan tayyorlangan va tugma tafsiloti bilan mashinada yuvilishi mumkin. Cho'zilmaydigan mato.
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Tarkibi: 95% Polyester, 5% Spandex
Material: Polyester
Tafsilotlar: Yo'q
Namuna: O'simliklar
Tegishli odamlar: Kattalar
Shiddat: Yo'q
Tur: Keng oyoq
Mavsum: Bahor/Yoz/Kuz
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Uslub: Norasmiy
Matoga elastiklik: Elastiklik yo'q
Bosma turi: Tasodifiy bosma
To'qish usuli: To'qilgan
Maqola ID: 45564992
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
Ayollar uchun keng oyoqli shimlar, o'simlik printi va bog'ichli cho'ntaklar bilan, bahor, yoz va kuz uchun mos. Polyester aralashmasidan tayyorlangan, bu tasodifiy uslubdagi shimlar kattalar o'lchamida mavjud.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar