120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Selling retro bee-shaped twist handle small tableware coffee spoon.
Premium stainless steel garlic press for easy crushing without electricity.
LED pet nail clippers with USB charging and file, anti-splash.
37 types of sensor kits, 45-in-1 sensor module, STM32 learning kit
1/2/4pcs 160 LED solar sensor light for garage/garden/patio/walkway.
1KG/2KG Natural Dragon Stone for Aquarium Decor, Fish Shelter, Aquascaping
6-inch Adjustable Wrench for Heavy-Duty Manual Tasks
2 Glass Fish Tanks for Betta Fish and Home Decor
2pcs Motion Sensor LED Light Bulb for Home
Wearable LED Jewelry Magnifying Glass with Four High-Power Lenses for Watch Repair.
Nuts and bolts assortment kit includes 1575 pieces in stainless steel with organizer box.
Selling retro bee-shaped twist handle small tableware coffee spoon.
Premium stainless steel garlic press for easy crushing without electricity.
LED pet nail clippers with USB charging and file, anti-splash.
37 types of sensor kits, 45-in-1 sensor module, STM32 learning kit
1/2/4pcs 160 LED solar sensor light for garage/garden/patio/walkway.
1KG/2KG Natural Dragon Stone for Aquarium Decor, Fish Shelter, Aquascaping
6-inch Adjustable Wrench for Heavy-Duty Manual Tasks
2 Glass Fish Tanks for Betta Fish and Home Decor
2pcs Motion Sensor LED Light Bulb for Home
Wearable LED Jewelry Magnifying Glass with Four High-Power Lenses for Watch Repair.
Nuts and bolts assortment kit includes 1575 pieces in stainless steel with organizer box.

240 Ta'sirli Yuz Parchalari Silliq Teri Uchun - PABA-Siz, Barcha Teri Turlari Uchun Mos, Ikki Ikkita Va Yuz Parvarishi Uchun Ideal, Erkaklar Va Ayollar Uchun Yengil Go'zallik Asboblari
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Bohem uslubidagi bun yasovchi boshband, dangasa sochlarni uslublash uchun fransuz burama temiri bilan. Oson foydalanish uchun aylanuvchi burama reel bilan polyester tolalaridan tayyorlangan. Bohem uslubidagi soch aksessuari.
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Tarkibi: 100% Polyester
Material: Polyester
Uzunlik: Oddiy
Kamar: Yo'q
Yeng uzunligi: Uzun yeng
Yeng turi: Oddiy yeng
Tafsilotlar: Qoplangan
Shablon: Bir rang
Shiddat: Yo'q
Suv o'tkazmaydigan: Yo'q
Uslub: Elegant
Matnning elastikligi: Elastiklik yo'q
Bosma turi: Bosma yo'q
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish yoki professional quruq tozalash
To'qish usuli: To'qilgan
Maqola ID: 70935140
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
Ayollar uchun zamonaviy ko'k rangli to'quv kurtka, sun'iy mo'yna bezaklari bilan, nafis ko'rinish qo'shadi. Ushbu tashqi kiyim uzun yenglar, tugmachali old qismi bilan ajralib turadi va polyesterdan tayyorlangan, bu esa uni iliq va qish uchun mukammal qiladi.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
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Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar