120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
High-end PU leather car seat cover set, scratch-resistant and durable for most vehicles.
Multi-functional car glasses case for holding sunglasses and other items.
4 car interior supplies for roof armrest and interior handle protection cover.
Polka Dot Print Butterfly Sleeve Dress for Plus Size Women
Complete set of PU leather car seat covers for most sedans, fits 5-seater vehicles
Floral Full Zipper Jacket for Fall & Winter, Plus Size Women's Clothing
Pack of 3 Large Size Matte No Trace Center Bright Diamond Jewelry Women's Bra
Long sleeve solid color blouse for plus size women
High-end PU leather car seat cover set, scratch-resistant and durable for most vehicles.
Multi-functional car glasses case for holding sunglasses and other items.
4 car interior supplies for roof armrest and interior handle protection cover.
Polka Dot Print Butterfly Sleeve Dress for Plus Size Women
Complete set of PU leather car seat covers for most sedans, fits 5-seater vehicles
Floral Full Zipper Jacket for Fall & Winter, Plus Size Women's Clothing
Pack of 3 Large Size Matte No Trace Center Bright Diamond Jewelry Women's Bra
Long sleeve solid color blouse for plus size women

Bej rangdagi erkaklar uchun lenin Henley ko'ylagi, tasodifiy turli xil yenglar, oddiy fit, va tugma tafsilotlari bilan. 100% lenin to'qilgan matodan tayyorlangan, cho'zilmaydigan, bahor/kovak mavsumi uchun ideal.
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Erkaklar uchun amerika uslubidagi toraytiruvchi jaket, beysbol yaka va metall zip tafsilotlari bilan, tasodifiy va biznes kiyimlari uchun mos. Quvvat uchun mashinada yuvilishi mumkin, bahor va kuz uchun ideal.
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Material: PU teri
Uzunlik: Oddiy
Yeng uzunligi: Uzun yeng
Yeng turi: Oddiy yeng
Tafsilotlar: Fermuar
Shakl: Bir rangli
Shiddat: Yo'q
Matо: Cho'zilmaydigan
Plaket turi: Plaket
Plaket: Zip
Yaka uslubi: Turg'un yaka
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish yoki professional quruq tozalash
Boshqa material: Polyester
Sahna: Velosipedda yurish
Foyda turi: Oddiy
Tarkibi: 45% Poliuretan, 55% Poliestir
To'qish usuli: To'qilgan
Uslub: Zamonaviy
Qoplama ingredientlari: 100% Polyester
Ikkinchi jarayon: issiqlik uzatish bosma
Astar: Polyester tolasi (polyester)
Yopish turi: Zipper
Uslub manbai: Stock
Item ID: 74644538
Ushbu Erkaklar uchun Zamonaviy Qizil va Qora PU Charm Biker Kurtkasi 2024 yil kuz uchun shamolga chidamli, iliq va ko'p funksiyali bo'lishi uchun mo'ljallangan. Bu zipli yopiq va yon cho'ntaklari bilan tasodifiy minish uchun mukammal tashqi kiyim bo'lib, mototsikl kiyimlarini himoya qiladi. Asimmetrik zipli kurtka mustahkam va ochiq havoda kiyish uchun mukammaldir.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
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