120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Silence fret noise with Guitar Mute Wraps for all stringed instruments.
Small Xiangfeng Fashion Handbag with Rhombus Pattern, Single Shoulder Crossbody Bag
Scallop trim V neck short sleeve T-shirt with lace stitching for plus size women.
Maximize Your Guitar's Potential with 3-Metal Finger and 1 Thumb Pick Set!
Women's Plus High Rise Wide Leg Pants with Stretch and Elastic Waist
Women's Elegant Tote Satchel Bag with Cat Ear Design Top Handles
Small solid color crossbody bag with buckle decor and flap closure for everyday use.
2024 Korean-style large capacity backpack for women, perfect for casual travel.
Plaid bucket bag with faux pearl chain, elegant shoulder bag for women.
Chic floral print handbag with a spacious crossbody design.
Resistive DI Box with Audio Isolation for DI Effects.
Solid button loose fit top
Model A Guitar Stand - Electric and Wooden Music Stand for Electric Bass.
Women's Plus Brush Print Batwing Sleeve V Neck Casual Dress
Sleek wall mount hanger for guitars and bass with secure hooks
Handcrafted wooden Orff percussion rattle for music practice.
Silence fret noise with Guitar Mute Wraps for all stringed instruments.
Small Xiangfeng Fashion Handbag with Rhombus Pattern, Single Shoulder Crossbody Bag
Scallop trim V neck short sleeve T-shirt with lace stitching for plus size women.
Maximize Your Guitar's Potential with 3-Metal Finger and 1 Thumb Pick Set!
Women's Plus High Rise Wide Leg Pants with Stretch and Elastic Waist
Women's Elegant Tote Satchel Bag with Cat Ear Design Top Handles
Small solid color crossbody bag with buckle decor and flap closure for everyday use.
2024 Korean-style large capacity backpack for women, perfect for casual travel.
Plaid bucket bag with faux pearl chain, elegant shoulder bag for women.
Chic floral print handbag with a spacious crossbody design.
Resistive DI Box with Audio Isolation for DI Effects.
Solid button loose fit top
Model A Guitar Stand - Electric and Wooden Music Stand for Electric Bass.
Women's Plus Brush Print Batwing Sleeve V Neck Casual Dress
Sleek wall mount hanger for guitars and bass with secure hooks
Handcrafted wooden Orff percussion rattle for music practice.

"Attack Shark R1 simsiz o'yin sichqonchasi uchta ulanish rejimiga ega - 2.4G, simli va BT5.2. 55g og'irlikda, 18K DPI optik sensor va 20 million tugma bosish umriga ega. Ergonomik"
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Yengil raqamli SLR tripod kamera stendi, ajratiladigan gimbal va mustahkamlangan alyuminiy qotishma konstruktsiyasi bilan, jonli translyatsiya uchun ideal.
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Batareya xususiyatlari: Qayta zaryadlanadigan batareya
Qayta zaryadlanadigan batareya: Lityum batareya-polimer
Simsiz tur: Simsiz
Quloqni o'rab turuvchi uslub: Quloq telefoni
Shovqinni boshqarish rejimi: Faol shovqinni bekor qilish
Ulanish: Simsiz
Boshqarish usuli: Tegish
Boshqaruv turi: Qo'ng'iroqni boshqarish
Kabel xususiyati: Tutilmas
Material: Plastik
Aksessuar: hech qanday komponentlar yo'q
Quloqchin ulanish joyi: 3.5 mm ulanish
Kuchlanish: Mahsulot tafsilotlarini ko'ring
Simli mulk: 2.4G/3G/4G/5G va boshqa funksiyalarni o'z ichiga oladi
Mahsulot zaryadlash porti: Type-C port zaryadlash
U tezkor zaryadlashni muvofiqlashtiradimi?: Yo'q
Zaryadlovchi kiradimi?: Yo'q
Maksimal baholangan quvvat: 4W
Minimal baholangan quvvat: 3W
Quvvat rejimi: USB zaryadlash
Ishlash kuchlanishi: ≤36V
Maqola ID: 32810301
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
"ATTACK SHARK L80 simsiz o'yin quloqchinida Bluetooth 5.3, 2.4G ulanishi va 3.5mm simli variantlar mavjud. 50 soatgacha o'yin vaqti bilan, ushbu quloqchin 40mm Pro-G drayveri, teginish nazorati, faol shovqin bekor qilish, quloqni o'rab turuvchi dizayn va o'rashmaydigan kabel bilan jihozlangan. PC, Mac va mobil qurilmalar bilan mos keladi, ushbu quloqchin zaryadlovchi bilan ta'minlanmagan."
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar