120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Oshxona aksessuarlari
- The Foloda 40oz stainless steel water bottle is an ideal gift for women, perfect for running and outdoor activities. It features an oval shape design, insulated vacuum technology, a handle, and straw. Hand wash only, PVC free. Great for Christmas
Shakl: Oval
Maxsus xususiyatlar: Izolyatsiyalangan
Material: Paslanmaydigan po'lat
Sport turi: Yugurish
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Faqat qo'l bilan yuvish
Bayramlar: Rojdestvo, Sevishganlar kuni, Onalar kuni, Bitiruv, Bobo-buvilar kuni
Item ID: 07424682
Foloda izolyatsiyalangan zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan suv shishasini taqdim etamiz, bu zamonaviy 40oz oval shakldagi vakuum sayohat tumbleri, tutqichi va solgich bilan birga. Ushbu PVCsiz shisha ochiq havoda faoliyatlar, masalan, yugurish uchun mukammal va maxsus tadbirlar, masalan, Rojdestvo, Sevgi kuni, Ona kuni yoki bitiruv uchun ideal sovg'a hisoblanadi. Iltimos, ushbu shisha faqat qo'lda yuvilishi kerakligini unutmang.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
qu***47 absolutely , good quality product, amazing easy to wash, perfect for days out just the right size and the colour and words are beautiful and even better than the picture described.A very happy customer and it was sooo worth the wait ✋️ 😀 😄 👍 , good quality product
li***er Arrived quickly and well packaged. The pattern is clearly visible.
Michaela Buchwald looks really good, fits easily 1l coffee, cocoa, etc. in and easily keeps hot/warm for 8 hours
qu***47 absolutely , good quality product, amazing easy to wash, perfect for days out just the right size and the colour and words are beautiful and even better than the picture described.A very happy customer and it was sooo worth the wait ✋️ 😀 😄 👍 , good quality product
li***er Arrived quickly and well packaged. The pattern is clearly visible.
Michaela Buchwald looks really good, fits easily 1l coffee, cocoa, etc. in and easily keeps hot/warm for 8 hours
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