Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
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- Oshxona aksessuarlari
- 6 ta zamonaviy quyosh guliga oid mikroto'qima idish to'plami va sochiq. Mashinada yuvish mumkin, juda singdiruvchi to'qima. Kosmik naqshli polyester va poliamid aralashmasi.
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish
Shakl: To'rtburchak
Sochi Mavzusi: Kosmos
Qoplama materiali: 100% mikrofiber
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Item ID: 06420465
Ushbu to'plam 6 ta zamonaviy idish tozalash matolari va sochiqlardan iborat bo'lib, quyosh guliga oid mavzuni o'z ichiga oladi. Mikrofiberdan tayyorlangan ushbu matolar mashinada yuvilishi mumkin va to'qilgan mato tufayli juda yaxshi namni so'radi. Sochiqlar kosmik naqshga ega bo'lib, polyester va poliamid aralashmasidan tayyorlangan, bu esa ularni oshxonada foydalanish uchun mukammal qiladi.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
bo***na Beautiful, excellent quality for both drying and cleaning, very cute and elegant in the kitchen
DOMIDALI60 Set of 6 dish towels with very beautiful colors. As they don't have anything to hang them on, I ordered some hangers.
bo***da These are pretty, good value for money and a great set of cloths! They light up the kitchen with their messages and sunflowers. Very happy and recommend.
bo***na Beautiful, excellent quality for both drying and cleaning, very cute and elegant in the kitchen
DOMIDALI60 Set of 6 dish towels with very beautiful colors. As they don't have anything to hang them on, I ordered some hangers.
bo***da These are pretty, good value for money and a great set of cloths! They light up the kitchen with their messages and sunflowers. Very happy and recommend.
bo***na Beautiful, excellent quality for both drying and cleaning, very cute and elegant in the kitchen
DOMIDALI60 Set of 6 dish towels with very beautiful colors. As they don't have anything to hang them on, I ordered some hangers.
bo***da These are pretty, good value for money and a great set of cloths! They light up the kitchen with their messages and sunflowers. Very happy and recommend.
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