1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
- Uy
- Oshxona aksessuarlari
- 4 ta o'zgaruvchi dinozavr tuxum o'yinchoqlari to'plami - 1 ta Tyrannosaurus va Pterodactyl, 6-8 yoshdagi bolalar uchun ideal. Tug'ilgan kunlar va sinf mukofotlari uchun ajoyib. Plastikdan yasalgan.
Tegishli yosh guruhi: 6 yosh (kiritilmagan) - 8 yosh (kiritilgan)
Material: Plastik
Rang: Aralash Rang
Item ID: 58271667
Ushbu to'plam 4 ta o'zgaruvchi dinozavr tuxum o'yinchoqlarini o'z ichiga oladi, ular Tyrannosaurus yoki Pterodactylga aylanishi mumkin, bu esa ularni 6-8 yoshdagi bolalar uchun mukammal 2-in-1 deformatsiya o'yinchoqlariga aylantiradi. Ushbu o'yinchoqlar ajoyib tug'ilgan kun partiyalari uchun sovg'alar yoki sinf mukofotlari sifatida juda yaxshi. Ular mustahkam plastik materialdan tayyorlangan.
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Muhammet Serkan Onur Every part can be disassembled and easily reassembled. It can easily be shaped into an egg or a dinosaur. It's a very nice toy. My 3-year-old son liked it. It's recommended for ages 6-8, but a 3-year-old can easily play with it and shape it into different forms. I highly recommend it.
Angela Franks Good size and great fun! Lovely stocking filler for boys and easy to use for smaller hands. Great value and service - thank you
Doris Reid ideal for lucky dips, Very good fun., Very good fun., Party Wear, Affordable, Cool, Good, ideal for lucky dips, Very good fun., top
Muhammet Serkan Onur Every part can be disassembled and easily reassembled. It can easily be shaped into an egg or a dinosaur. It's a very nice toy. My 3-year-old son liked it. It's recommended for ages 6-8, but a 3-year-old can easily play with it and shape it into different forms. I highly recommend it.
Angela Franks Good size and great fun! Lovely stocking filler for boys and easy to use for smaller hands. Great value and service - thank you
Doris Reid ideal for lucky dips, Very good fun., Very good fun., Party Wear, Affordable, Cool, Good, ideal for lucky dips, Very good fun., top
Muhammet Serkan Onur Every part can be disassembled and easily reassembled. It can easily be shaped into an egg or a dinosaur. It's a very nice toy. My 3-year-old son liked it. It's recommended for ages 6-8, but a 3-year-old can easily play with it and shape it into different forms. I highly recommend it.
Angela Franks Good size and great fun! Lovely stocking filler for boys and easy to use for smaller hands. Great value and service - thank you
Doris Reid ideal for lucky dips, Very good fun., Very good fun., Party Wear, Affordable, Cool, Good, ideal for lucky dips, Very good fun., top
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