120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Oshxona aksessuarlari
- 4 ta to'plamga qahva qozonchasi, muzqaymoq desert qozonchasi, zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan uzun tutqichli stakan aralashtirish qoshiq kiradi.

Espresso mashinalari uchun qayta ishlatiladigan zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan qahva filtrlar to'plami, 1 chashka, 2 chashka va 4 chashka sig'imi uchun 51mm bosimsiz savatni o'z ichiga oladi.
3 reviews
Qo'l bilan tayyorlangan Shisha Qahva Qoshiq, Pastoral Shaffof Dizayn, Yuqori Haroratga Bardoshli va Qahva va Shirinliklar uchun Ideal Uzun Tutqich
3 reviews

Material: Metall
Item ID: 18182785
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
85***57 I love the brassy colour and the flower print on these 4 tea spoons, so classy looking for any tea party
Amy Leyshon gorgeous tea spoons! nice long handles mean they are perfect for lattes or cocktails! very pretty, nice and lightweight - the perfect addition to our cutlery drawer😊
Sheila Bridge Beautiful,Trendy,True To Picture,Cute,Fast Shipping I like these cause they match my cutlery which I bought to help my hubby with Alzheimer’s he looks for these now and not confused with silver
85***57 I love the brassy colour and the flower print on these 4 tea spoons, so classy looking for any tea party
Amy Leyshon gorgeous tea spoons! nice long handles mean they are perfect for lattes or cocktails! very pretty, nice and lightweight - the perfect addition to our cutlery drawer😊
Sheila Bridge Beautiful,Trendy,True To Picture,Cute,Fast Shipping I like these cause they match my cutlery which I bought to help my hubby with Alzheimer’s he looks for these now and not confused with silver
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