120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Oshxona aksessuarlari
- 100 ta Yuqori Sifatli Bir Martalik Choy Pochkalari - Shaffof To'qilmagan Material Kamchiliklarsiz Qaynatishni Ta'minlaydi - Uy va Biznes Sharoitlari Uchun Ajoyib, Quvnoq Choy Infuzion|Tabiiy Choy Aksessuari|Foydalanuvchilarga qulay choy qadoqlash

1 to'plam 3 yoki 6 ta uzun tutqichli qahva aralashtirish qoshiq, mini espresso qoshiq
3 reviews
Moka pot va espresso tayyorlagichingizning muhrlash gasketsini va qahva filtr to'rini 1 dona URTUE silikon almashtirish qismlari bilan almashtiring, mukammal qahva tayyorlash uchun zarur aksessuarlar.
3 reviews

Material: Mato
Item ID: 64346958

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Ерматова Нигора very convenient
ir***ka Very good sachets.
pa***n1 love em!
i got the smallest size
came quick
really lovely quality altho i hope they dmt disintegrate wen i use em, lol, if they do, i'll edit this review.
but yeh happy, theres loads of em in the pack. i use them for my raw coffee when i have it, tastes so much better than instant, altho there is deffo a place in this world for kenco smooth instant! lol
Ерматова Нигора very convenient
ir***ka Very good sachets.
pa***n1 love em!
i got the smallest size
came quick
really lovely quality altho i hope they dmt disintegrate wen i use em, lol, if they do, i'll edit this review.
but yeh happy, theres loads of em in the pack. i use them for my raw coffee when i have it, tastes so much better than instant, altho there is deffo a place in this world for kenco smooth instant! lol
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