Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
- Uy
- Oshxona aksessuarlari
- Bohemian makrame to'qilgan stol qoplamasi, tassellari bilan, qishloq uslubidagi rustik chiroyli bezak uchun.
Shakl: To'rtburchak
Shakl: Bir rang
Material: Polyester
Qoplama materiali: 100% polyester
To'qish usuli: To'qilgan
Item ID: 18140857
Ushbu noyob Makrame To'qilgan Polyester Stol Runi bilan stolingizga Bohemian jozibasini qo'shing. Tasmalar va mustahkam rangli to'qilgan dizayn bilan ajralib turadigan, bu to'rtburchakli qishloq uslubidagi stol runi har qanday tadbirga zamonaviy qo'shimcha sifatida Boho birlashmasini birlashtiradi. To'ylar, ovqatlanish, partiyalar, bayramlar va uy bezaklari uchun mukammal.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Kristina Kalíková Beautiful runner. The length of our table is 160 cm, so the 180 cm long runner comes out to be over the edge of the table But I personally like it and it suits me. 🤍
si***er I bought the tablecloth for the balcony. Should be a bit cosy. I am very satisfied. Smelled a bit strange, washed them by hand in the machine and placed them. Has the washing machine thought about :D I'm satisfied.
k.***nn Beautiful handmade.Fits any furnishing style.
Versatile. Also a nice souvenir for people who appreciate handiwork.
Kristina Kalíková Beautiful runner. The length of our table is 160 cm, so the 180 cm long runner comes out to be over the edge of the table But I personally like it and it suits me. 🤍
si***er I bought the tablecloth for the balcony. Should be a bit cosy. I am very satisfied. Smelled a bit strange, washed them by hand in the machine and placed them. Has the washing machine thought about :D I'm satisfied.
k.***nn Beautiful handmade.Fits any furnishing style.
Versatile. Also a nice souvenir for people who appreciate handiwork.
Kristina Kalíková Beautiful runner. The length of our table is 160 cm, so the 180 cm long runner comes out to be over the edge of the table But I personally like it and it suits me. 🤍
si***er I bought the tablecloth for the balcony. Should be a bit cosy. I am very satisfied. Smelled a bit strange, washed them by hand in the machine and placed them. Has the washing machine thought about :D I'm satisfied.
k.***nn Beautiful handmade.Fits any furnishing style.
Versatile. Also a nice souvenir for people who appreciate handiwork.
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