1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
- Uy
- Oshxona aksessuarlari
- 52 qora oltin konfeti lateks sharlari turli tantanalar uchun.
Sharchop material: Emulsiyalash
Tegishli yosh guruhi: 14+
Mahsulotlar soni: 1 to'plam
Tadbir: To'y, Yangi yil, Tug'ilgan kun, Yubiley, Bitiruv
Aksessuar: Qaytargich lenta
Ta'tillar: boshqalar
Xususiyat: Boshqa Xususiyatlar
Shakl: Dumaloq
Mavzu: Boshqa mavzular
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Item ID: 78821169
Ushbu to'plam 52 dona qora va oltin konfeti lateks sharlardan iborat bo'lib, har qanday tadbirga nafislik qo'shish uchun mukammaldir. To'ylar, tug'ilgan kunlar, yubileylar, bitiruvlar, bayramlar va boshqa tantanalar uchun ideal. Ularni ichki yoki tashqi bezatish uchun ishlatib, bayramona muhit yaratishingiz mumkin. Ushbu ko'p maqsadli materiallar bilan partiyangizni bezatishni to'ldiring.
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Melinda Zettmar I didn't have very high expectations for balloons that cheap, but these were the best quality I've bought (then I've worked in a party store anyway!) Then I recommend these! They keep their shape for several days
st***ne The balloons went perfectly with the decoration for my son's 18th birthday!
vi***18 excellent quality , absolutely beautiful
Melinda Zettmar I didn't have very high expectations for balloons that cheap, but these were the best quality I've bought (then I've worked in a party store anyway!) Then I recommend these! They keep their shape for several days
st***ne The balloons went perfectly with the decoration for my son's 18th birthday!
vi***18 excellent quality , absolutely beautiful
Melinda Zettmar I didn't have very high expectations for balloons that cheap, but these were the best quality I've bought (then I've worked in a party store anyway!) Then I recommend these! They keep their shape for several days
st***ne The balloons went perfectly with the decoration for my son's 18th birthday!
vi***18 excellent quality , absolutely beautiful
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